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Free EFL/ESL Lessons for busy teachers. Free EFL/ESL Lessons for busy teachers. Voice. By Gigi GoshkoAcademy of American Studies, New York Grade Level: 9 - 10 Unit Length: 13 Class Periods Unit Overview New York City ninth grade teacher Gigi Goshko has created her unit, "Voice," as an introduction to poetry that presents students with a diverse group of poets and poems.


The unit begins by defining spoken and written poetry and then moves into a more nuanced exploration of poetry as social commentary. Expository Writing. Unit: Expository Writing Susan Fields Epiphany School, Ma Dorchester Center, MA 3671 Views 63 Favorites Unit Description In this unit, students learn how to complete a report from researching and note-taking to drafting and editing.

Expository Writing

Lessons Unit Resources Comments Cancel No comments at this time. Add Comment. SWBAT: dissect top quality introductory paragraphs and fix poor quality introductions. Essential Questions: What must a top quality introductory paragraph have?

SWBAT: dissect top quality introductory paragraphs and fix poor quality introductions.

Agenda: Daily Writing Prompt (5 minutes) - In their Writer's Notebooks, students must respond to the following prompt: Should Amistad’s students be allowed to talk in the halls? Using your lawyer's tool box (from previous unit) write as many arguments you can think of.Share-out (2 minutes): Choose two students to share their responses. Give one piece of positive and one piece of critical feedback to each student. 10 Ways to Develop Expository Writing Skills With The New York Times.

Have you been knocking your head against the proverbial wall trying to teach – or learn – expository writing skills?

10 Ways to Develop Expository Writing Skills With The New York Times

New York Times models can help writers learn how to write an expository essay that is compelling, convincing and authoritative as well as engaging to read – not to mention authentic. Try a fresh approach with these 10 tips. 1. Ditch the five-paragraph essay and embrace authentic essay structure. New York Times news and feature articles are excellent models for structure, including transitions and organization.

Classic news stories like this one about conflicts over rebuilding ground zero and this one on how the case of the Russian spies is being resolved are written in the “inverted pyramid” format, starting with the most important information – the first paragraph or two answers the questions “Who?” Feature stories pull the reader in with an engaging introduction and develop from there to explain a topic, issue or trend. 2. Looking for more inspiration? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Cooperative learning

Project / inquiry based content learning. Social learning. Lesson Planning. Learning theories in practice/Project-Based Language Learning. Introduction[edit] In the first section, a literature review on project-based learning (PjBL) is presented, including a definition, theoretical foundations, features, implementing steps, and a list of benefits as well as disadvantages, to provide a basic foundation for understanding how PjBL is used in language learning.

Learning theories in practice/Project-Based Language Learning

In this section of the chapter, I refer to project-based language learning (PjBLL). Not only is the basic concept of PjBLL discussed and elaborated upon, but also it's implementation as well as effectiveness. Scenario 1 In Ms. In the middle of the semester, Ms. What makes Jonathon change his attitude toward learning English? I. 1.A Definition of PjBL[edit] Thinkfinity lots of lesson plans (inquiry) Top 3 Ways to Make Your Search More Accurate Most of the time, you just want to find content that has a particular phrase.

thinkfinity lots of lesson plans (inquiry)

Here are the three easiest steps to get what you want: Enclose your search phrase in quotes. A search for "black cat" is going to return content with the phrase "black cat". (If it's in there, of course.) More Advanced Help Here are a few more tips for getting the most out of your searches. You can exclude certain words. You can also: Search for content that has certain words, but not necessarily all of the words in order. This is the most basic search. Black cat adoption This will search for documents containing the words black, cat and adoption.

Search for content that has certain words in a certain order. To search for a particular phrase, enclose your phrase in quotation marks:

Lesson planning ideas

Teacher tools. The Education Alliance: Teaching Diverse Learners. EFL/ESL Lessons Using Web Sites. Teaching Language Through Content - CAL Resource Guide Online. Introduction Integrated language and content instruction provides opportunities for learners to acquire a new language through the study of academic disciplines such as mathematics, science, and history.

Teaching Language Through Content - CAL Resource Guide Online

Also known as content-centered or content-based language learning, this approach is an effective way for both English language learners and learners of other languages to develop their language skills and their academic skills at the same time. Programs that use content-centered language learning include total and partial immersion, two-way (dual) immersion, bilingual education, sheltered English, and many early foreign language programs (e.g., content-based FLES). This Resource Guide provides links to publications, Web sites, teaching resources, and email discussion groups that offer information about teaching language through content-based instruction in K–12 and adult ESL programs and in foreign language programs.

Acknowledgement Resources Digests.

Ted talks

Writing. Speech.