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Flash, Flex and ActionScript Community - Tutorials, Support, Ope. Learn Actionscript 2.0 through great Flash MX 2004 tutorials. - Free video tutorials by Lee Brimelow on the F. Introducing ActionScript > ActionScript Elements. ActionScript is a language that bridges the gap between what you understand and what Flash understands. As such, it allows you to provide both action-oriented instructions (do this) and logic-oriented instructions (analyze this before doing that) to your Flash project. Like all languages, ActionScript contains many different elements, such as words, punctuation, and structure—all of which you must employ properly to get your Flash project to behave the way you want it to. If you don't employ ActionScript correctly, you'll find that interactivity either won't occur or won't work the way you intended.

Many of these elements, as well as several other more logical elements such as logical statements and expressions, will be dealt with in much more detail throughout the book. To begin to understand how ActionScript works, take a look at the following script, which contains many of the essential elements that make up a typical script. Events Actions Operators Keywords Data Curly braces Semicolons.

AS3 Tutorials - A compilation of the best ActionScript 3.0 Tutor. Flash tutorials - Flash Tutorials - Flash Animation Tutorials - Actionscript Tutor. Flashvillage. The Super Flash Bros. Intense creativity. Flash e CSS: Banner Flutuante « Rogério Lino. Ver post no novo domínio: Muitos sites, portais, adotaram o banner flutuante, aquele no qual ao você passar o mouse por cima ele “cresce” pela página e mostra os detalhes da propaganda, promoções, etc.

A idéia então consiste em posicionar o filme por cima dos outros elementos e ele tem que ter o fundo transparente para não “tampar” o conteúdo. Então chegamos a conclusão que é só deixar o filme com o fundo transparente e colocá-lo numa div com position absolute? Certo. Primeiramente vamos ao SWF, no Flash crie um novo documento. Nesse exemplo eu criei um de tamanho 468×280. No primeiro frame coloque a action stop() para o filme não começar sozinho. Desenhei um retângulo que cobre todo o palco na horizontal e com altura de 60 pixels. Instanciei de btn e apliquei o alpha para 0%, para deixar ele transparente. Btn.onRollOver = function() { _root.gotoAndPlay(2); } Com a nossa animação pronta vamos ao HTML: E o nosso CSS: Gostar disto: