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Loading… Apple Posts Guide to 'Getting Started Developing iOS Apps' 17 February '12, 09:03pm Follow If there is one aspect of Apple’s iDevice ecosystem that deserves a ton of credit for both growing and cementing its user base, it has to be the way developers flock to it. Apple wants developers on that line, Apple needs developers on that line. That’s why it’s not surprising, but still pleasant, to see Apple making an effort to onboard new developers with a beautiful and simple new introductory document called “Start Developing iOS Apps Today“.

The document isn’t a private developer resource so you can visit it for yourself regardless of whether you’re in the program or not. It has sections that guide someone looking to begin making apps from starting, through set-up, tutorials, fundamentals, developing and guiding them to further resources. The program touches on all of the basics of development for iOS, including the programming languages used, the design of an application and selling the app on the app store. HOW TO: Start Developing for iOS, Android or Windows Phone 7. An increasing number of first-time mobile app developers are also first-time developers. This makes sense if you think about it; mobile is the hot new platform and the barrier to entry is a lot lower for mobile devices. Furthermore, a simple — yet well-done — mobile app can be functional and a big success; look at the prevalence of tip calculators, flashlights and other applications. It's much harder to find that sort of success with a small, single-purpose desktop app.

Although the barrier to entry is lower for mobile app development, you still need to be prepared to learn. If you have no previous experience in programming for the web or in a language like C, Java or C#, grasping the basics is going to take more time. On iOS, this means learning Objective-C and also learning Cocoa Touch. Android programming is very similar to Java, but with Android-specific APIs and frameworks. iOS Books, Sites and Resources Note: You need a Mac in order to develop for iOS.

Android App Development Zone. Apple Launches 'Start Developing iOS Apps Today' Guidebook. "So you want to be an App Developer," is exactly how Apple's new "Start Developing iOS Apps Today" guide should read. It doesn't, but that doesn't detract from the important information Apple's built into its new thirteen-step guidebook for aspiring iOS app developers. Now, to be fair, using Xcode and the iOS SDK to build a fully-fledged, working iOS app is a bit more complicated than what a thirteen-deck slide presentation might be able to deliver.

And that's not what Apple's trying to accomplish in a single document per se. Rather, the guide splits up the process of app development into five separate chunks, and each is punctuated with links to additional resources that are designed to help turn a wannabe developer into the next Zynga. "The road map provides you with a breadth of knowledge to get you started, and the last page, Where to Go from Here, includes links to documents you should read next," reads the introduction to Apple's guide.

How To Create Your First iPhone Application. Update: 01/10/2012: The original version of this article by Jen Gordon was published in August 2009. It was thoroughly revised and updated by the author and published in September 2012. Update: 01/10/2012: The original version of this article by Jen Gordon was published in August 2009. It was thoroughly revised and updated by the author in September 2012. — Editorial Team Since the iTunes App Store launched in 2008, over 500,000 apps have been approved by Apple, and thousands more app ideas are scrawled on napkins across the world every day. But question remains, how can a person with limited technical skills create an iPhone app? Be sure to check out our previous articles: The good news is anyone can make an iPhone app, it’s just a matter of knowing the series of actions you need to take to make it happen.

More after jump! What Is Your Goal? The first thing to look at when embarking on any product development or entrepreneurial venture is your goals for the project. Where Do I Begin? Design.