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25 Free Stock Photo Sites. When I began the research for this article, I knew of only a handful of free stock photography sites. I set out to find as many good ones as I could, thinking maybe I’d find a dozen. I was quite surprised to find 25 good, solid resources out there. There are probably more, but these are the ones I found. If you’ve got a favorite and it’s not here, send it along. Note the terms of use for each site. Keep in mind that “Royalty Free” does not mean the images are free; it means that you don’t need to pay the photographer a royalty each time you use the image.

Update: Check out our latest list of 18 MORE free stock photos sites. is my favorite site for free stock photography. Stock.XCHNG is a great site for free stock photography. This is a huge resource, currently indexing over 3 million photos! The photos on Imagebase are free to use, and are licensed under a Creative Commons license. Morguefile is a completely free source for stock photos. Elsewhere in the Magazine. Advertising Principles News. Navigation Improved23 Aug 2013 - Scott Armstrong “Navigation of site improved. All sub headings within a section can now be accessed directly from the main navigation on the left, by clicking on the new sub navigation. " Read More Commercial Illustrating a Principle Principle - 61.1. Describe a problem and show how the product solves it. - CompliesTD Bank Problem/solution campaign: Hours - 0:41For full-screen, click the black box next to the volume control Each commercial was selected to illustrate a single principle.

Moat Ad Search. Minneapolis: A Look at the Midwest's Marketing Overachiever | News. Coca-Cola Content 2020 Part One. UniSA Research Archive - Results - Table. Open Resource Library. Think with Google - Thought leadership - Insight. SEI Center for Advanced Studies in Management at The Wharton School. Mix modelling muddles marketers. I think econometric modelling is over used in marketing. And routinely produces misleading results. Let me explain... Warning: people who make their living from such modelling will not like what I have to say. Astrology, like econometric marketing modelling, has many fans, many of whom are very intelligent capable people. Proponents of astrology and marketing mix modelling each use the same arguments to justify their practice (eg that it is popular, that it is rigorous and highly technical etc), and the documented predictive track record of each is similar. I think econometric style modelling is over used in marketing.

How your marketing mix affects sales is an important question, so I don't blame marketers trying something that offers a solution. Here are some of the problems with econometric marketing mix modelling: And some important sales drivers, like distribution, change very occasionally (new stores/channel) and often in different ways every time.

Communications Planning

Strategy. Beneath the Buzz: Why people online want to champion your brand. | Blog | MOTIVEQUEST. HOW TO: Avoid a Social Media Disaster. Clay McDaniel is the principal and co-founder of social media marketing agency Spring Creek Group. Find him via @springcreekgrp on Twitter. If there’s one thing that keeps social media marketers up at night, it’s the ever-present threat of a PR disaster.

By now, every marketer is well-aware of how quickly dissatisfied consumers can turn to the social airwaves to vent about a brand. Nestle, BP, Domino’s, Southwest Airlines, and many other brands have witnessed the unbridled power of social media as a platform for disgruntled consumers to rally around an anti-brand cause. You can never fully “control” what your customers say about your brand on social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blogs, and forums — nor would you want to.

After all, the biggest benefit of social media is to allow your customers to express their opinions and talk about your products and services among themselves, creating a loyal fan base that spreads the word about your brand to their friends and family. 1. Angry Customers Are Gifts. Moments of Truth “I’ve been with the Bank X for 12 years, but they made a mistake a while ago.

When I called their 800 number, the customer service rep was unhelpful and blamed the problem on me. When I complained to a supervisor, she just said ‘That’s the way the system works.’ I told them I would be closing my account and posting my complaint anywhere I could …and they still don’t care!” Hey, we all make mistakes. Handle these sticky situations well and you can turn a disgruntled person into someone who runs around singing your praises as a customer for life. As noted in The Profitable Art of Service Recovery, “Even the best service companies can’t prevent the occasional late flight, burned steak, or missed delivery. “Banks must reexamine their service recovery processes if they are to address the lapses that turn disgruntled customers into former ones.” — Marukel Nunez, McKinsey Quarterly Being a Hero Instead of The Villain So what can you do when you make a mistake? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. New Rules of Marketing (Yeo)

The consumer decision journey - McKinsey Quarterly - Marketing & Sales - Strategy. If marketing has one goal, it’s to reach consumers at the moments that most influence their decisions. That’s why consumer electronics companies make sure not only that customers see their televisions in stores but also that those televisions display vivid high-definition pictures. It’s why, a decade ago, began offering targeted product recommendations to consumers already logged in and ready to buy. And it explains P&G’s decision, long ago, to produce radio and then TV programs to reach the audiences most likely to buy its products—hence, the term “soap opera.”

Marketing has always sought those moments, or touch points, when consumers are open to influence. Interactive Exhibit 1 In the traditional funnel metaphor, consumers start with a set of potential brands and methodically reduce that number to make a purchase. Enlarge We developed this approach by examining the purchase decisions of almost 20,000 consumers across five industries and three continents. Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3.