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Gil Burban

Gil Burban est architecte, artiste et designer. Il est le fondateur de plusieurs structures: EXYZT, CHATEAU CYBORG, SUPERGRAPHIC, POLYPOP P.assionné par le design paramétrique, le biomimétisme, les mathématiques, la biologie, il travaille à la frontière de plusieurs disciplines mêlant, arts, sciences et partage social.

Home Mycology Lab. Agriculturalists have long considered mushroom growing a challenge, largely because you need a space that’s as hygienic as a hospital or a chip-fab clean room.

Home Mycology Lab

Laboratories create these spaces with a piece of benchtop equipment known as a laminar flow hood, but these are prohibitively expensive. This project explains how you can make your own “hood” out of a household air purifier and use basic kitchen techniques to culture and grow mushrooms. The crucial component in the purifier is its High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter. Biomimicry.


LINK. AUTRES INTERETS. PHOTO. ARCHI. WEBMASTER. RESEARCH. ART. Chateau Cyborg. EXYZT. Directeur General. Jean-Paul Ganem. POLYPOP. SUPERGRAPHIC. Vidéos Pearltrees. Démarrer.