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Sartan's BDSM Workshop: Projects: Basic Horse. Perhaps the most common dedicated piece of dungeon furniture is the horse. Modeled in many respects on the carpenter's horse, a BDSM horse is fairly flexible, and can be made more so with a couple little tweaks. The basic horse ideas here will be expanded in a "better" horse design at a later date. Difficulty: Easy Special Tools and Materials Squangle or protractor Finalize Design As diagramed below, the basic horse is very easy to make. The top is 2x6, and everything else is 2x4. Identify the best height for your purposes. Use this height (and some right triangle math, described on the techniques page) to determine the width for your design. 1 - Subtract thickness of top from height. While you're doing math, calculate the actual length of the leg, indicated by Z. Note that you can use similar processes to work backwards from any particular dimensions. Finally, what's the best length for you?

Ends Start construction with the two, identical triangular ends. Top and Side Braces Finishing. The Sexual Position Of The Day - The Totem Pole. Bondage. Class - Basic. Double coin (2 lines) This knot goes by several deferent names. Double coin knot. Carrick bend. Josephine knot. Step one: Live long and prosper. Bring two lines in from the back. Take up one of the lines. Loop this end around the two fingers that pinch the opposite end. Drop the end you are holding and pick up the other end. Note that there are four lines across the top. Here is where the over/under pattern becomes clear. Under: line between little finger and ring finger. Now that the over/under pattern is done, the knot can be removed from your fingers. The finished knot lays flat against the skin and is very decorative. great to use for a kadara body harness. Kikkou-shibari-rope-bondage-how-to.jpg (JPEG Image, 1280x960 pixels) - Scaled (84%) Extreme Restraints: Bondage Gear - Sex Toys - Fucking Machines.
