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Funny Teacher Sites

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Sammiches and Psych Meds — 10 Commandments of Teaching. I’ve got teaching on the brain lately. Mostly because that’s what I do and think about all day, but also because it’s the time of the year when the profession starts to encompass every facet of our lives as we endure the stress of standardized tests and anxiously await the next holiday break. It’s usually right about now that I need to put things in perspective with a little humor, and that’s exactly what I’ve done below. For those of you pursuing a career in education (and those of you already buried neck deep in lesson plans and evaluation paperwork), I present you with the 10 Commandments of Teaching. Thou shalt put everyone else’s needs above thine own. Especially when thou is sick, depressed, anxious, homicidal, or otherwise out of sorts. In this way, teaching is like parenting. Thou shalt address parent concerns ranging from accusations that thou aren’t stimulating Billy’s creative potential to protestations that Janey would never.

Thou shalt accept blame for the decay of society. Sammiches and Psych Meds — 20 Things You Should Never Say To Teachers.