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Six paper flowers. It got into my head that I needed to make some paper flowers.

Six paper flowers

I don’t know why. But I figured it wouldn’t be a big deal because the Internet is a veritable smörgåsbord of craft tutorials, and all I had to do was fire up Lappy 5000 and pick one out. About 300,000 search results later, I was no longer any more confident in my ability to make a paper flower than I was in my cat’s ability to retrieve his stupid mouse instead of staring at my hand after I throw it. There were just too many choices and although I could compare the photos, they didn’t reflect (1) how good each tutorial was, (2) how closely my flower would resemble the picture, or (3) which flowers would look nice together. It was terribly overwhelming. Then again, I thought, if anyone is supposed to try every single one, it might as well be me. After some consideration, I decided that 300,000 might be a few too many to take on, so I narrowed it down to the six most promising and got to work.

Paper Flowers – Anyone Can Do That. Japanese Kusudama, this tutorial is featured on Craftuts Anyone can do that, I assure you.

Paper Flowers – Anyone Can Do That

The proof: I can, just take a quick look at my result below. And, believe me, I am neither meticulous nor particularly patient. You could even say I’m the opposite. Below you can see my very first attempt to create paper flowers. What you will need to make your own Kusudama paper ball? Style Me Pretty : The Ultimate Wedding Blog.

Categories Tags Vendors Season Style Colors As promised, here is the most incredible gift wrap diy project E-V-E-R, carefully crafted by the fabulous Summer Watkins over at Grey Likes Weddings.

Style Me Pretty : The Ultimate Wedding Blog

So the DIY is for the center row image on the left, the adorable fabric pom. Materials: 1-2 yards of ribbon in various tones, about 2″-3″ in width Miscellaneous material, such as burlap, knit sweaters, etc… Twine. Talk Crafty To Me. Why not brighten up your gloomy winter day, by making your own paper flowers.

Talk Crafty To Me

This super simple project takes only about 5 mins and is sure to brighten any room. Add them to twigs or branches for an instant bouquet or simply throw them in a bowl. Originally created by Martha Stewart, Wendy from DoziDesign has whipped up a quick tutorial. Head on over there and start making flowers to your heart’s content. Pictures from Dozi & Jen Elisebeth. related posts. Rick Rack Rosettes - StumbleUpon. A friend gave me this flower ring and necklace, when she handed them to me I thought they were porcelain–there’s a very vintage feel to them.

Rick Rack Rosettes - StumbleUpon

From a distance you really can’t tell that they’re made out of rick rack! Yes, rick rack! She shared how to make them with me, and now I’m sharing with all of you readers! The wow of the rosette comes from a few simple steps! Felt Flowers / felt flowers. Silk Lotus Flower. The silk lotus flower is easy to construct, but looks very luxurious.

Silk Lotus Flower

You can make it in any size, but pick fabrics that tend to be stiff, like silk taffeta or dupione. You can singe the edges of the petals with a flame, or just leave the cut edges raw. After you master the basic technique, you can experiment with different petal shapes. Become a Threads Insider today to get access to this and other exclusive Insider-only blog posts. Become an Insider and enjoy unlimited access to: All-time favorite articles from Threads Special Insider discounts and offers Digital access to our most recent issues And so much more! BurdaStyle Scrap Fabric Projects. Diy and Crafts - StumbleUpon.

Crafty Daisies. Paper Flower Key Holder / Mark Montano. Difficulty Rating: Beginner Tags If you need a quick 'just because' gift for someone, this is it!

Paper Flower Key Holder / Mark Montano

It’s simple to make, couldn’t be less expensive and we can all use one. I for one am always losing my keys and this, by far, is the easiest way for me to keep track of them. Here’s how: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Supply List Wire hanger Needle nose pliers with built in wire cutter (most are made like this) Hot glue gun and glue sticks Stapler Book pages Fiskars Scissors and Pinking Shears Krylon Clear CoatSmall piece of cardboard.