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Legal Forms from - Trusted Do-it-Yourself Legal. How To Go From Idea To Launching With Paying Customers In 8 Steps. Quick Personal Update: I just started writing with Dharmesh at OnStartups.

How To Go From Idea To Launching With Paying Customers In 8 Steps

I’m completely honored to be contributing there. You can check out my first post: Lessons Learned From Startup Bootcamp 2010. A good portion of my writing will be going on there along with the awesome posts that Dharmesh has been delivering to a great community over the past 5 years. You should subscribe via RSS as I’m already writing an awesome article to be released there next week. I’m also now based in Boston and you should say hi if you live here or plan on being in town.

Real entrepreneurs ship, don’t ever forget that. Step 1: Define The Problem The biggest problem with ideas is the fact that they don’t really solve a problem. Example 1: I just bought my iPad, started blogging more heavily, and wanted to make sure my blog was optimized for the tablet format. Example 2: We created in a weekend.

Step 2: High Level Overview Specifications and Mockups Step 4: Be An Axe Murderer Guess what? HOW TO: Legally Structure your Startup. Nellie Akalp is the CEO & Co-Founder of CorpNet, her second incorporation filing service company based on the simple philosophy of truth in business and her strong passion to assist small business owners and entrepreneurs in getting their business off the ground in a fast, reliable, and affordable manner.

HOW TO: Legally Structure your Startup

Follow her on Twitter @corpnet and Facebook. Whether you're the next big thing in social gaming or organic knitwear, each startup eventually faces the same gnawing questions: How should I legally structure my business? Should I form an LLC or an S-Corp? What about an S-Corp vs. a C-Corp? These questions are only natural. While circumstances vary among individuals and individual businesses, here are some general guidelines to help you jump-start your decision on business structures. The LLC (Limited Liability Company) The LLC is very hot among startups now. The LLC is ideal for startups that don't want or need much formality, but still want legal protection.

The S-Corp The C-Corp. How to launch a new product « The Jason Calacanis Weblog. Location: CalaCompound, Brentwood, CA Monday, December 22nd, 5:50PM PST.

How to launch a new product « The Jason Calacanis Weblog

Word Count: 2,986 Jason’s List Subscriber Count: 11,858 List management: Filed under: Entrepreneurship Republishing: PLEASE DO *NOT* REPRINT WITHOUT PERMISSION Forwarding: PLEASE *DO* FORWARD TO SMART PEOPLE Team Jason, Last Monday we launched a new product called Mahalo Answers ( ). It got a very warm reception from the press, users and the industry (investors, partners, etc). This was the most seamless and well-executed launch I’ve ever been involved in, so I thought I would share what I’ve learned about launching new products while it’s fresh in my mind. In this email I discuss coming up with the idea or building the product–that’s almost a book’s worth of information (hint, hint ;-), but I will discuss the moment from when the product is completed, through the beta test, generating buzz, the press tour and launch.

For context, this is the third of Mahalo’s five pillars. Now, on to the process. Simple. 1. 2. 3. Startup Legal Docs From