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Planning Stratégique

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Picture Marketing : Les réseaux sociaux en image. 1 mai 2012 dans Réseaux sociaux Les réseaux sociaux ça nous connait !

Picture Marketing : Les réseaux sociaux en image

On serait presque incollable sur les différentes manières d’appréhender Facebook ou Twitter pour une marque. Mais avec Internet, rien n’est définitif… Une mise à jour et on doit tout recommencer. La dernière grosse mise à jour en date, c’est la timeline de Facebook avec cette image cover et la possibilité de mettre en avant des contenus. En tout cas Facebook l’a bien compris, pour 2012 il faut favoriser l’axe « images et photos » et le réseau maître du social vient de faire l’acquisition d’une application mobile dédiée justement à l’image : Instagram. Aujourd’hui du côté des marques, on parle de Picture Marketing quand celles-ci décident de s’investir sur ces nouveaux réseaux sociaux dédiées à l’image et la photographie. . # Pinterest Pinterest fait parler de lui depuis le début de l’année 2012. #Instagram Pour cette partie, j’ai laissé les renes à Amélie, contributrice d’un jour. . # Facebook #500px.

How to do Digital Planning. I’ve been trying to post something like this for a few months now.

How to do Digital Planning

But it kept morphing into a badly researched history of planning mixed with a poor how-to guide. And of course I kept veering off into bloody flag-waving about how digital planners rule and everyone else sucks. And my point was getting lost, very lost. So what is the point? I wanted to give a perspective on the big question ‘What is a digital planner?’. Anyway I’ve given up on trying to understand what a digital planner is. (I’ve left out all of the ‘normal’ planning skills there’s lots of people smarter than me who’ve written about those things extensively. Be good at cutting and pasting If you’ve ever set up a blog or or a MySpace page you’ll probably have seen funny code knocking around the place.

At it’s most basic level knowing how to customise a feed or add a widget to a blog will at least give you some appreciation of the building blocks of the web. Be able to deconstruct the craft What is this it of which I speak? 2012 Digital Planning Guide. Robin Neifield | December 28, 2011 | 0 Comments inShare96 Understanding your current state, defining your desired state, and setting your strategy.

2012 Digital Planning Guide

Marketers everywhere are scrambling to set their marketing and digital marketing strategies for the coming year, and encountering obstacles ranging from corporate politics to shifting or disappearing budgets to a lack of appropriate information upon which to base that strategy. Most would welcome a tested approach to help define a strategy in a way that can drive planning and action and get internal support, but first we have to agree on what that strategy is.

A budget allocation is not a strategy; neither is a goal a strategy - regardless of how well-defined that goal might be. This is an outline of a 12-step plan to help you understand your current state, define your desired state, and plot your strategy to bridge the gap from one to the other for a successful 2012 in digital marketing. Understanding your current state: Review past results. 10 presentations to help you become a digital planning genius. What makes a good online media planner?

10 presentations to help you become a digital planning genius

Planning an online PR campaign doesn’t necessarily require the same skills as a paid search one, or developing a social media strategy may not need the same proficiencies as that of an email one. However, I’m beginning to think that lateralisation is of major importance. Without becoming too technical, this is the concept of the functions between the left and right hemispheres of the brain: The left side is associated with analysis and logic, the right with creativity and context. Using both sides of the brain is a major element to successful digital planning, especially given that there is a growing importance to understand how best to influence and engage users, whilst simultaneously being calculating and analytical.

That’s not to say either/or doesn’t have a place – I’m conscious that both the objectives and channels used have a bearing on this – but from a general perspective, the best of both will likely be more beneficial. Seven Deadly Sins.