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Zeno Stoicism Philosophy: Metaphysics of Stoicism, Ethics. Quotes Stoic Philosopher Zeno. Discussion of Metaphysics / Philosophy of Stoicism & the Famous Stoic Philosopher Zeno who realised All is One and Interconnected Zeno / Stoicism Quotations God is not separate from the world; He is the soul of the world, and each of us contains a part of the Divine Fire.

Zeno Stoicism Philosophy: Metaphysics of Stoicism, Ethics. Quotes Stoic Philosopher Zeno

All things are parts of one single system, which is called Nature; the individual life is good when it is in harmony with Nature. In one sense, every life is in harmony with Nature, since it is such as Nature’s laws have caused it to be; but in another sense a human life is only in harmony with Nature when the individual will is directed to ends which are among those of Nature. Virtue consists in a will which is in agreement with Nature. Modern Stoics » Stoicism News and History. Eurlect_2. When we talk about eudaimonism (the moral doctrine which contends that the ultimate goal of life is happiness), it is very likely we immediately think of Hedonism and at best Epicurianism.


We have seen the conclusion Epicuros philosophically reached in his pursuit of Hedonism. Although he did not admit the qualitative differences among pleasures, Epicuros construed the quantity of pleasure in terms of temporal duration instead of its instantaneous intensity. By so doing, Epicuros was able to offer philosophical reasons to choose as happiness the liberation from bodily pain and freedom from mental turmoil and agonies against frivolous pleasures of the senses. Epicuros even emphasized "conscious control" of one's own pleasures. With this insight, this position is rather close to the other form of eudaimonism, called Cynic-Stoic philosophy.

Why We Need Cynicism Now. Molly Anne Rothenberg Tulane University Reading David Mazella's study of cynicism, The Making of Modern Cynicism (Virginia, 2007), during the presidential election of 2008 made it possible for me to tolerate (barely) the daily lies and shenanigans, because it helped me find value in political activity designed to destroy public discourse and independent thought.

Why We Need Cynicism Now

Repeated descriptions of the self-interested and attention-seeking, "celebrity" nature of Obama by McCain; the calculated exploitation of the irrationality of her supporters by Palin; the wanton repetition of dangerous and exploded lies by Fox News; Obama's positioning of himself as the anti-cynic, the apostle of hope and collective action--these maneuvers ceased to seem like the deadening political theater to which we have been treated for decades and began to emerge as a large-scale object lesson in the complexities of cynicism. How is it possible to regard cynicism as anything other than a wholly negative political attitude?

Stoicism. 1.


Sources of our information on the Stoics Since the Stoics stress the systematic nature of their philosophy, the ideal way to evaluate the Stoics' distinctive ethical views would be to study them within the context of a full exposition of their philosophy. Here, however, we meet with the problem about the sources of our knowledge about Stoicism.

We do not possess a single complete work by any of the first three heads of the Stoic school: the ‘founder,’ Zeno of Citium in Cyprus (344–262 BCE), Cleanthes (d. 232 BCE) or Chrysippus (d. ca. 206 BCE). Chrysippus was particularly prolific, composing over 165 works, but we have only fragments of his works. From these sources, scholars have attempted to piece together a picture of the content, and in some cases, the development of Stoic doctrine. Stoic Philosophy. Stoic Practice. "The only thing over which we have control, therefore, is the faculty of judgment.

Stoic Practice

Since anything else, including all external affairs and acts of others, are not within our power, we should adopt toward them the attitude of indifference" (Connolly). The Stoic Library. New Stoa. College of Stoic Philosophers. Stoic Home Page. Stoicism. By Beatrix Murrell of the Stoa Del Sol I thought I might share what little I know abut the ancient Stoic worldview, which in some ways will sound familiar.


That's because some of their ideas were borrowed from and incorporated by later philosophies and religious traditions. For the Stoics nothing passes unexplained. There's a reason for everything in Nature. They believed there is an active "force" which is everywhere coextensive with matter. For the Stoics God was Fire (active energy) and Logos (reason) diffused throughout the Cosmos.They believed, too, that the Law of Nature was God's material presence in the Universe.