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Unbounce sur Twitter : "The #Mobile Conversion Killer [+Free Mobile Landing Page Checklist]: Friction: The Mobile Conversion Killer [+Free Mobile Landing Page Checklist] Friction can be helpful if you’re stranded on a desert island, but not so much on your mobile landing pages.

Friction: The Mobile Conversion Killer [+Free Mobile Landing Page Checklist]

Source Mobile landing pages have the unenviable task of conveying enough information to make visitors convert, with much less space to do so than on a desktop. Driving home your message has to be done with fewer elements and fewer words. Every single element on a landing page must avoid friction at all costs. What exactly is friction? State of Mobile Commerce Report. Natzir Turrado sur Twitter : "¿Qué intentas Google? ¿Estás intentando buscar un sitio 'mobile' donde no existe? cc: @gfiorelli1 @aleyda @rustybrick. Natzir Turrado sur Twitter : "State of the News Media 2015 #mobile... State of the News Media 2015. Call it a mobile majority.

State of the News Media 2015

At the start of 2015, 39 of the top 50 digital news websites have more traffic to their sites and associated applications coming from mobile devices than from desktop computers, according to Pew Research Center’s analysis of comScore data. Fact Sheets: At the same time, though, desktop visitors to these sites tend to spend more time per visit than do mobile visitors. For half of these top 50 news sites – which include legacy print, cable, network, international and public broadcasting outlets as well as digital-only entities – visitors from desktops stay longer than those coming through mobile. The reverse is true for only 10 of the sites, while for 15 sites the time spent is roughly equal. In tandem with the growth of mobile has been the further rise of the social Web, where the flow of information embodies a whole new dynamic.

Americans’ changing news habits have a tremendous impact on how and to what extent our country functions within an informed society. Exceeding Mobile Expectations: You Need More Than An App. It’s Partner Thursday!

Exceeding Mobile Expectations: You Need More Than An App

Today’s post is contributed by ICF Interactive. Adobe’s 2014 North American Partner of the Year, ICF Interactive is a full-service interactive marketing agency that guides brands through informed strategy, inspired design, and technical know-how. Rand Fishkin sur Twitter : "7-day DESKTOP changes show whatever Google did (but didn't announce) on April 24 was as big as #Mobilegeddon itself. Gianluca Fiorelli sur Twitter : "Start seeing the effects of #Mobilegeddon in my Italian clients' sites (and quite satisfied)... Mark Traphagen sur Twitter : "Facebook News Feed change promotes friend content, maybe at expense of Pages. Gianluca Fiorelli sur Twitter : ".@portentint there's only one meme possible #Mobilegeddon... Gianluca Fiorelli sur Twitter : "#Mobilegeddon? No... Perspective... Gianluca Fiorelli sur Twitter : "Just a reminder for tomorrow #Mobilegeddon... Learn How Apps Are Blurring Lines Between Digital and Physical Worlds.

Mobile apps impact our lives well after we turn off our phone screens.

Learn How Apps Are Blurring Lines Between Digital and Physical Worlds

Whether we’re requesting a ride, booking a place to stay, or trying to get in shape, it’s undeniable that apps have an immense effect on our physical worlds. Where your average mobile user once pulled out their device to play games or check the weather, today’s apps have clearly tangible effects on our real lives. Our latest free report, Mobile Apps: Blurring Lines Between Virtual & Physical Worlds, investigates several apps contributing to this digital-physical crossover and how this phenomenon is transforming entire industries.

Transportation apps have transformed into transportation platforms. Learn how apps are hooking into Uber and Flywheel’s apps to make nearly everything on-demand. Twitter. You don’t need a mobile app, mobile websites can be awesome. SEO Mobile, Miguel Pascual en eShow Barcelona 2013. Cada uno busca en Internet como le da la gana.

SEO Mobile, Miguel Pascual en eShow Barcelona 2013

El porcentaje de acceso a los sitios Web desde dispositivos móviles se está disparando. Es fácil identificarlo a través de Google Analytics. Muestra gráficas de uso del móvil cómo ha ido creciendo a lo largo del año y es brutal. Sobre todo, se aprecia un gran incremento durante la época de verano. También sucede que estamos en una tienda viendo alguna posible compra y comprobamos a través del móvil el precio en comercios online. El móvil lo usa gente en torno a 35 años, principalmente rentas medias altas y lo usan en desplazamiento. También coincide en los fines de semana y durante las vacaciones. ¿Cómo se ve vuestra Web desde terminales móviles? Bueno, depende de la Web y depende también del tipo de dispositivo.

Muestra un gráfico en el que el 25% del tráfico genera el 9,5% de las ventas. ¿Cómo afecta al SEO? Hemos hecho experimentos para ver cómo cambian los resultados hechos desde móvil y desde PC incluso usando la misma WIFI. ComScoreEMEA's Photo: Italian mobile market shows large growth potential. #mobile #Internet. Smartphone Bot Case Study: The Google Smartphone Bot On Holiday In Australia. While Google’s new smartphone bot has been announced, it does not appear to be widely deployed yet; at least that is what I said during a recent presentation in Sydney, where I had the pleasure of meeting Alistair Lattimore (Al).

Smartphone Bot Case Study: The Google Smartphone Bot On Holiday In Australia

Al does CRO, SEO and agency management for Mantra Group, which is the second largest accommodation provider in Australia with over 100 hotels, retreats and resorts throughout Australia and New Zealand. Al was at the talk in Sydney and let me know that the smartphone bot had visited some of the sites he is responsible for and told me about the initial results. is the site we discussed most; iPhones and Androids are now showing the mobile-optimized urls instead of desktop urls in some (not all) searches. While I am writing this case study up, Al gets most of the credit for his keen observations about the behavior of the bot and its impact on search results.

The Art Of Launching An App: A Case Study. Advertisement You’ve made your first app!

The Art Of Launching An App: A Case Study

Now what? Anyone in the app business knows that marketing an app is tough. 12 questions to ask before you build an app – Conversation Marketing. Rick Santorum did not approve this blog post Rick Santorum throws up at JFK speeches. I throw up when someone says “We want to build an i[whatever] app!” I have one question. Why? Have you really, really considered you’re building your app? Mobile SEO: Managing Googlebot & Your Mobile Sites. In December 2011 Google announced that it now has a smartphone Googlebot-Mobile.

Mobile SEO: Managing Googlebot & Your Mobile Sites

Historically, Googlebot-Mobile has concerned itself only with mobile sites designed for feature phones, so this is a pretty significant development. Today's column is going to discuss how to think about Googlebot, Googlebot-Mobile and your mobile web site. As noted in this recent mobile SEO podcast with Cindy Krum one of the first decisions you need to make is what types of devices you’re targeting.