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Pillole di project management per il content marketing. Why You Need Content Strategy Before Editorial Planning. BuzzSumo sur Twitter : "5 Essential Searches To Find Content Formats That Work #contentmarketing"... The $100 Million Content Farm That's Killing the Internet. How To Do Content Strategy. On/Off Marketing the inbounder. sur Twitter : "By @HubSpot: In need of #content ideas to promote product, service or business? Check this 44 examples! RT @larrykim. BuzzSumo sur Twitter : "BuzzSumo Trending Overview - Webinar recording from yesterday #contentmarketing. BuzzSumo Trending. Twitter. CONTENT IS NOT (JUST) ABOUT CONTENT. 18 Killer Content Marketing Tools That Will Make Your Life Easier. Knowledge Base. Our Favourite Presentations from the 2014 Content Marketing Show. Yesterday, three members of the SEO team at Tug headed over to the content marketing show at the Institute of Education in Russell Square.

Our Favourite Presentations from the 2014 Content Marketing Show

Pens and paper in hand, we were all prepared to learn about best practices, hear success stories and network in the industry. Next week, we’ll have a post full of all of the takeaways from the show, but today we’ll tell you about our favourite presentations: 140+ Statistics on Content Marketing in Europe. While close in proximity, the dynamics involved with characterizing a topic like content marketing for a large group of countries like Europe is more than ambitious.

140+ Statistics on Content Marketing in Europe

However, the demand and interest for information about content marketing in Europe is high and there are a small number of studies available to better understand how European businesses currently view content marketing as part of the digital marketing mix. Tapping into reports from CMI/DMA UK, Adobe/Econsultancy and HubSpot/SmartInsights as part of my research for a keynote presentation at Content Marketing Conference Europe this week, I’ve pulled together these statistics (Handy for presentations, tweets and blog posts): Top 5 Priorities for Global and European Marketers in 2014 - Adobe/Econsultancy.

Content Curation & SEO: A Bad Match? The Concept Of Sameness & Why It Should Matter. Long ago and far away, there was a world where there was no Web.

The Concept Of Sameness & Why It Should Matter

Back in those early years (such as the 1960′s through the mid-1990s), there were certain basic concepts that guided the world of marketing. One of the facts of life during those times was that each market space tended to support somewhere between three and five major brands, and no more. The major brands were the ones competing for general merchandise or services on a national or global scale. Regardless of where you went, they were there. There were other companies in these market spaces, too, but they operated in a niche fashion. The Great Disruption Then came the Web.

In some cases, this actually helped make these players huge brands. This disruption is coming to an end. The reasons for this reversion are quite clear. Live from SMX Advanced: Getting Curation Right. By Janet Driscoll Miller | Jun 11, 2013 More Articles by Janet What is content curation?

Live from SMX Advanced: Getting Curation Right

How can it benefit you as a marketer? This panel sought to answer those questions and featured Brent Csutoras of Kairay Media, Virginia Nussey of Bruce Clay, Inc., and Amy Vernon of Internet Media Labs. 11 B2B Content Marketing Case Studies with Killer Marketing Performance. Content Strategists Aren't Copywriters. 5 Pinterest Boards for Content Marketers. Are you a content marketer? Do you love Pinterest? If you don’t, you should, because there is no better place to find relevant content for your industry, nor is there a quicker way to share that content. Not only can you find plenty of items to educate you on the latest information in today’s online market, but you can also use it to promote yourself by creating a fun and informative board for others to follow.

Plenty of others have had that idea, and they have created some great boards that you should check out. Five of my personal favorites are possibly even the best boards on the social networking site. 1. Ultimate list of online content readability tests. “In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since.

Ultimate list of online content readability tests

‘Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,’ he told me, ‘just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.’” Can you read the above paragraph easily? If so, count yourself one of the lucky literate. (Give yourself bonus points if you recognized this introduction from The Great Gatsby.) While the CIA’s The World Factbook may put the literacy rate of most highly developed nations at 99%—where those age 15 and older can read and write—that doesn’t account for how many can read and write well, or even comfortably. If you want what you write to influence the most people possible, you must take readability into account. Creating Ultimate Guides and Using Them to Build Your Marketing List. You’ve seen them – ultimate marketing guides to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and other important digital marketing resources.

Creating Ultimate Guides and Using Them to Build Your Marketing List

Creating ultimate guides are a great way to attract traffic, links, and social shares to your blog or website. Expanding the Content Life Span: Interview with Dennis Goedegebuure. Four Seriously Cool Information Resources. As a librarian, researcher and frequent blogger, I’m constantly coming across incredibly useful online information resources that are most effectively searched using their own site search tools, rather than relying on general-purpose engines to surface their valuable content.

Four Seriously Cool Information Resources

I plan to start writing about these on a regular, ongoing basis, using a bullet-point format that highlights the most useful features of each resource, rather than doing in-depth reviews. Without further ado, here are the first four (of many more to come). Curator's ǝpoɔ. The Beginner's Guide To Content Marketing. Content marketing is a relatively new type of marketing that provides free media-type content to customers in exchange for their attention.

The Beginner's Guide To Content Marketing

Unlike traditional advertising which interrupts customers to get noticed, content marketing provides content that customers want in exchange for permission to market a product or service. With New Tool, Wants To Replace PowerPoint With Infographics. "Before PowerPoint, you had to go find a designer to create a custom presentation," says Stew Langille.

With New Tool, Wants To Replace PowerPoint With Infographics

"Even though everyone hates PowerPoint now, it was really helpful when it first came out. " Now Langille’s startup,, is attempting to do for infographics what Microsoft did for presentations. Today, the company launched a new platform to allow virtually anyone to create data visualizations. By tapping into data APIs--from Facebook Insights, Twitter,, and so enables users to plug predetermined datasets into premade designs, offering a stable of templates and themes that will continue to grow thanks to the startup’s in-house team and community of roughly 4,000 freelance designers.

How to Create Viral Infographics, Part 2: the Data. This is part two of a three-part series on creating viral infographics.

How to Create Viral Infographics, Part 2: the Data

Read the first installment, on finding the right story, here. Infographics, with their constantly shifting definition, are nothing more than a communication tool and can be abused just as easily as the 3D pie chart button in Excel. A strong infographic has a strong data backend, but that data doesn’t have to be numerical. Data-vis communicates data. Infographics communicate information. When I first started doing infographics, my sources of inspiration came from data sets that I came across. But then I started to realize that some of the articles I read were data too, only text-based data.

On the other hand, infographics can be a fun way to convey boring and pedestrian information. But this visualizing lists stuff is a slippery slope. How Content Can Spur Change for Businesses. How To Use Slideshare for Your Content Marketing [10 Tips] Ever heard of SlideShare? It’s a site that hosts your slide deck from Powerpoint or Keynote. It’s one of those great content marketing platforms most people have never heard of. Some impressive stats first of all: SlideShare is one of the top 150 sites on the web, they get 60 million visitors per month and have 3 billion slide views a month (that’s 1,140 slides viewed per second).

So the traffic is good but it’s also the right type of traffic for most content marketers – it’s highly professional. According to ComScore, SlideShare has five times more traffic from business owners than other popular websites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.