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David Christopher

Wide Ideas supplies the TECHNOLOGY to capture the ideas, and you supply the PEOPLE to provide them. However, without an idea management PROCESS, establishing an innovative culture in any organisation is challenging

Idea Management Tool, Idea Management System and Tools. According to Gallup’s ‘State of the Global Workplace’ report, 85% of employees are either not engaged or actively disengaged in the workplace.

Idea Management Tool, Idea Management System and Tools

The economic consequence of this could be as high as $7 trillion in lost productivity. As well as direct monetary consequences, there are also indirect consequences too. Disengaged employees don’t talk positively about their brand, impacting new sales and making the company less attractive to new talent. Attrition rates will also rise. So how do you fully engage employees? The Gallup report goes on to describe engaged employees as “people who work with passion and feel a profound connection to their company.

The concept of crowd-sourcing for new ideas is certainly nothing new. Idea Management Software is the next generation of software that not only captures ideas, but also manages the entire end-to-end process. Idea Generation Software, Best ideas management system and Software. The global innovation management market is expected to grow from USD 421.60 million in 2017 to USD 2,815.37 million by the end of 2024, at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 29.2%.

Idea Generation Software, Best ideas management system and Software

This highlights the importance of idea and innovation in the growth story of a business. But, where does innovation take flight from? Where do the C-Suite in any business turn to in their quest for breakthrough ideas? Well, innovation is always a collaborative effort, and it will be a huge mistake not reaching out to your employees. Those are the ones that will boost efficiency, or cut expenses, for your business intuitively or in the long run. Businesses are now investing in creating a structured process known as idea management. Fig. While the whole concept of idea management is about capturing ideas from the most ‘involved’ strata of an organisation – the employees; it is no small task. Need to convince your boss? 5 top reasons why your business needs Idea Management Software #1. . #2. Microsoft Teams Ideas, Idea Management app. Idea Generation Software, Best ideas management system and Software.

Buyer’s Guide to Best Idea Management Software. Innovation has always been the key to growth, and it applies to businesses too.

Buyer’s Guide to Best Idea Management Software

While competition is an essential catalyst to fuel innovation, the route to ideas cannot be limited to a certain section of individuals in an organisation. A regular practice of generating, streamlining and evaluating ideas does call for some automated support. This can be skilfully taken care of by idea management software. Most of you may be aware of the benefits of innovation management software. But what are the important things buyers need to take care of when choosing the right software to manage the innovation data pool of your business? Can it provide workable solutions to idea management and offer you long-term support in tune with your business expansion? 1. Firstly, when considering a purchase decision for idea management software, is to establish the sole ‘purpose’ behind it. Many employees are on the front-line, interacting with your customers.

What Is The Business ROI Of Employee Engagement? - Wide Ideas. There is no business ROI of employee engagement.

What Is The Business ROI Of Employee Engagement? - Wide Ideas

My first reaction was shock followed shortly by disbelief. Despite the research, the corporate attempts to improve it, their is no indication that anyone has succeeded in making significant improvements even in one company through employee engagement. This is an extract from Robert Bacal’s “The Employee Engagement Fiasco: Why It Hasn’t Worked, Why It Can’t Work, And The Costs” recent article which I read last week. I understand the points he is trying to make, and likewise in some cases agree. However, where I strongly disagree is when it comes to assessing the business ROI of employee engagement, certainly in companies that have a continuous innovation program in place.

Continuous innovation programs are all about delivering results. Let’s take one of our customers, Vattenfall for example. Vattenfall run a continuous innovation programme using the Wide Ideas digital platform. Idea Management Software for Microsoft Office 365 Business Users.