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Rahien - Hibernating Rhinos. In my previous post, I started to go over the go-raft implementation, after being interrupted by the need to sleep, I decided to go on with this, but I wanted to expand a bit first about the issue we discussed earlier, not checking the number of bytes read in log_entry’s Decode.

Rahien - Hibernating Rhinos

Let us assume that we actually hit that issue, what would happen? The process goes like this, we try to read a value, but the Read method only return some of the information. We explicitly ignore that, and try to use the buffer anyway. Best case scenario, we are actually getting an error, so we bail early. At that point, we detect the error and truncate the file.

Beginning to Mock with Rhino Mocks and MbUnit - Part 1. Unit Testing for ASP.Net on mono - The Mainsoft Grasshoppers Blog. {*style:<b>Who is Fred Goeske? </b>*} {*style:<b>Paying without a PayPal Account </b>*}