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Remove Yourself from All Background Check Web Sites: A Master List. Indeed. Seems rather counter-intuitive to have to hand over your license, with your date-of-birth, address, hair color, eye color, height and organ donor status just to get a corporation to scrub your date-of-birth, address, hair color, eye color, height and God knows what else from their records. Very true. And even if you contacted all these sites by yourself, it seems like you are just confirming that its you and your information displayed are somewhat related. Just limit your information you post on the internet and once it's out there it's probably useless to contact them to remove it for you unless you are a friend with Lulzsec or Anonymous. Check out the above comment [] - Seems they get a lot of data from sources one would think are private, so limiting things like your postings to Lifehacker isn't really going to help. :( (Edit: Shortened URL) Yup, it is true.

4 Sites That Give You A Free Updated Proxy List. So you say you can’t get on the open seas of the Internet at school/work/home? You’re concerned about men in black suits watching what you see? What you need, then, is a proxy server. You connect directly to the proxy server and it connects you to the rest of the Internet, using its IP address. Simple, effective, but more and more hard to come by. As groups continue to try to regulate your Internet usage, proxy servers are being shut down. Let’s see what we can find for free proxy lists of proxy servers you can use. Public Proxy Servers Around since 2002, PublicProxyServers is an independent, free service to allow you to find proxy servers for privacy and to circumvent browsing controls.

I think what makes this an excellent service is that they track the performance of each server on their free proxy list. Poor performance, or slow download/upload speeds has been the biggest traditional complaint about using proxy servers. Stay Invisible Stay Invisible has more than just a free proxy list. Public Proxy. PortableTor is an easy way to anonymize to your browsing - Download Squad.

There are plenty of ways to utilize the Tor network for a little added browsing privacy - like OperaTor, for example. If you'd prefer a single anonymity solution that can handle any browser, portable or not, give PortableTor a try. It's Tor, Vidalia (a GUI frontend for Tor), and Privoxy in a single, portable package. All you need to do is launch PortableTor and edit your browser's proxy settings to point at (the port can be changed). Even if you're not going to run it from a USB flash drive, this is still an uncomplicated way to anonymize your desktop browsing as well. The Sourceforge project page also list several Firefox addons that you may want to add for extra browsing security, like NoScript and No-Referrer. PortableTor is a free download for Windows only.

Tags: anonymity, anonymous, browsing, freeware, pirvacy, portable, tor. Frequently Asked Questions. Copyright © 2001-2011 by Privoxy Developers $Id: faq.sgml,v 2.92 2013/03/01 17:44:24 fabiankeil Exp $ This FAQ gives quick answers to frequently asked questions about Privoxy. It is not a substitute for the Privoxy User Manual. What is Privoxy? Privoxy is a non-caching web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for enhancing privacy, modifying web page data and HTTP headers, controlling access, and removing ads and other obnoxious Internet junk. Privoxy is Free Software and licensed under the GNU GPLv2. Privoxy is an associated project of Software in the Public Interest (SPI). Helping hands and donations are welcome: Please note that this document is a work in progress.