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CodeStore - Part 2 of n (SQLite, NHibernate) - Nauman Leghari's Blog. Thursday, July 17, 2008 5:28 PM laghari78 So, in the last post, I started creating a new application using TreeSurgeon and added Castle Windsor and log4net support. In this post, I'm going to describe how I added the Nhibernate support and the Castle Nhibernate facility. User Stories: Because CodeStore is about storing metrics about an Assembly therefore I'm going to start by storing the assembly information.

Therefore the first user story is: 1) As a customer, I want to query the Assembly data in the database so that I can get metrics about the assembly. After breaking the story into tasks, we have: a) Read Assembly Data b) Store Assembly Data in SQLite using Nhibernate. Although we can start with any task, but in this scenario I'll go with the second task which is about setting up Nhibernate to store data in the SQLite database.

Pre-Requisites: There are few things we need to download and setup before start coding. Download SQLite ADO.NET Database Provider ( AudioLab Audio Components. With AudioLab you can do just about anything imaginable: synthesize, capture, process, and analyze; mix, listen, visualize and more. Applications include: Audio recording/playback. Audio converters/re-encoders. Jukeboxes, and Play Lists. Supports ASIO and VST 2.X and VST 3 Play recorded audio (see .NET or VCL tutorial): Capture and record audio (see .NET or VCL tutorial): Capture, process and record audio: Play or capture, analyze the audio, and display the results: Mix different audio sources, record and listen to the result: The latest version of AudioLab supports the older Win32 API ( WaveAPI, Audio ACM ), the newer DirectShow and DMO; and allows, if needed, any mixture of these technologies.

Here is the full list of the supported technologies: Win32 API: Audio Compression Manager ( ACM ) WaveAPI DirectX: DirectShow Direct Media Objects ( DMO ) Intel: Intel MMX Intel Performance Primitives ( IPP ) The RAD Studio version is a set of native VCL and Firemonkey components. A: Yes. A: Yes. Code Contracts. Sign in to write a review Sort by: Build performance degradation kills all the good things in this solution. Hi, CC should work with VS2013 without any problem.Try to uninstall and reinstall? Francesco It's Dec. 12, 2013.

I'd like to use Code Contracts so I'm trying to install the dll that is meant for 2010/4.0 that EVERWHERE I read it says it will work with VS 2008. All links I find lead back to this page. Thanks, dlk Great tools! I previously used Code Contracts back in 2010 and 2011 (with Pex). Great concept, decent implementation. It does have a few bugs I've had to work around, it isn't open-sourced, and it significantly slows down build time (by 10x or more), even with static analysis disabled. I've found the static analysis to not be worthwhile - it might be worthwhile for new projects starting from the ground up, but it takes a lot of extra work to satisfy in my experience. After a while, one is wondering, how one could write projects without this tool. by Vrane | September 05 2013 David. .NET 4 – Contracts – Windows Live. Are there any alternatives to the SSIS fuzzy lookup for plain .Net code.