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Random word generator | Stuck for a word? Need something to adequately describe your day yet doesn't already have some other meaning? Look no further than the random word generator! How does it work? By analyising the frequency of pairs of letters in 45,402 different words it is possible to generate new words which, although don't have any meaning, are reasonably syntactically correct. Sometimes you may get a word which does already exist, but there should be plenty there that don't.

You can refresh the page for 20 new words, or, if you fancy, you can enter a couple of letters to influence how the generated words start. Since the 5th November 2006, this site has generated 49,357,620 random words. Random Words beginning with 'abduldubklan' Futher information If you're really interested in how this works, then it is all to do with Markov chains which deal with the probabilities of pairs of letters appearing after other pairs of letters. MoonEdit. Programas que escriben. Guías literarios Bienvenido al programa de creación literaria. Vamos a escribir un cuento. En primer lugar necesitamos un protagonista.

Vaya contestando a las preguntas. ¿Es un hombre o una mujer? ¿De qué edad? Programas de ordenador de este estilo existen desde hace años (en lo que conozco, sólo para el inglés). Generadores de poemas En la red se pueden encontrar programas que crean textos a partir de semillas que mete el usuario. ¿Cómo actúan? José Antonio Millán . llama esto a hoja a partir de algún de la Universidad o cómo me convertí paulatinamente en este sitio Edición Página se aloja exclusivamente en: los diccionarios, pero que he así... populares, contaminaciones fraseológicas y recursos sobre la vida vecinal La generación de texos por reciclaje está hace tiempo presente en el sitio Badosa (un editor digital en castellano y catalán): su Navegador poético combina frases de las obras que publica, a un ritmo que puede graduar el usuario: Generadores de prosa. C.L.A.U.D.I.O. Personality Test Bot (A.L.I.C.E. AI Foundation) Determine your Personality Type! Take the Official ALICE Enneagram personality test.

What kind of person are you? Chat with the C.L.A.U.D.I.O. bot and find out! Click here for unlimited chat with the CLAUDIO bot for a full month! Note: CLAUDIO is no longer a subscription service. C.L.A.U.D.I.O. Note: Chat robot subscription includes unlimited chatting with the A. You you can use the C.L.A.U.D.I.O. chat robot to determine your Enneagram Personality Type.

Random word generator | Stuck for a word? Need something to adequately describe your day yet doesn't already have some other meaning? Look no further than the random word generator! How does it work? By analyising the frequency of pairs of letters in 45,402 different words it is possible to generate new words which, although don't have any meaning, are reasonably syntactically correct. Sometimes you may get a word which does already exist, but there should be plenty there that don't. You can refresh the page for 20 new words, or, if you fancy, you can enter a couple of letters to influence how the generated words start. Since the 5th November 2006, this site has generated 49,357,440 random words. Random Words beginning with 'gerdub' Futher information If you're really interested in how this works, then it is all to do with Markov chains which deal with the probabilities of pairs of letters appearing after other pairs of letters.

Dissociated press. Dissociated press is an algorithm for generating text based on another text. It is intended for transforming any text into potentially humorous garbage. The name is a play on "Associated Press". An implementation of the algorithm is available in Emacs. Another implementation is available as a Perl module in CPAN, Games::Dissociate.[1] The algorithm[edit] The algorithm starts by printing a number of consecutive words (or letters) from the source text. Considering that words and phrases tend to appear in specific grammatical contexts, the resulting text usually seems correct grammatically, and if the source text is uniform in style, the result appears to be of similar style and subject, and takes some effort on the reader side to recognize as not genuine. Examples[edit] Here is a short example of word-based Dissociated Press applied to the Jargon File:[2] wart: n. Here is a short example of letter-based Dissociated Press applied to the same source: window sysIWYG: n.

History[edit] Mark V. Shaney. "Consider the writings of MARK V. SHANEY, a computer program created by Bruce Ellis (now at the University of Sydney) that is based on an idea of Don P. Mitchell of the AT&T Bell Laboratories. " ["Computer Recreations", A.K. Dewdney . Scientific American, June 1989.] I certainly can't argue with that, except that now I'm not at the Uni but at home watching the Letterman Show, or maybe Trek .

Thus Spake Shaney . Unfortunately I was in Monterey, California, at the Usenix Third Computer Graphics Workshop when Mr Dewdney visited the Labs. I have photographs of Mark's place of birth in Webster Drive, Berkeley Heights, New Jersey. Meanwhile, "I Spent an Interesting Evening Recently with a Grain of Salt" , by Penn Jillette gives some insight. Don't meddle in the mouth. © 1997, Bruce Ellis: , Home . Poetry Generator: Create Your Own Poem. Markov decision process. Markov decision processes (MDPs), named after Andrey Markov, provide a mathematical framework for modeling decision making in situations where outcomes are partly random and partly under the control of a decision maker. MDPs are useful for studying a wide range of optimization problems solved via dynamic programming and reinforcement learning.

MDPs were known at least as early as the 1950s (cf. Bellman 1957). A core body of research on Markov decision processes resulted from Ronald A. Howard's book published in 1960, Dynamic Programming and Markov Processes. More precisely, a Markov Decision Process is a discrete time stochastic control process. . , and the decision maker may choose any action that is available in state. . , and giving the decision maker a corresponding reward The probability that the process moves into its new state is influenced by the chosen action. . Depends on the current state and the decision maker's action .

And Definition[edit] A Markov decision process is a 5-tuple or . Alicebot. Fake Captian Kirk VHost(tm) Bot. ELIZA. Califia. "...yo me había preguntado de qué manera un libro puede ser infinito. No conjeturé otro procedimiento que el de un volumen cíclico, circular. Un volumen cuya última página fuera idéntica a la primera, con posibilidad de continuar indefinidamente. (...) En todas las ficciones, cada vez que un hombre se enfrenta con diversas alternativas, opta por una y elimina las otras; en la del casi inextricable Ts'ui Pên, opta -simultáneamente- por todas. Crea, así, diversos porvenires, diversos tiempos, que también proliferan y se bifurcan. Jorge Luis Borges El jardín de los senderos que se bifurcan (1941) 1. El estudio del perfil y las funciones del narrador en ficción interactiva plantea de entrada la necesidad de argumentar el propio carácter narrativo de tales ficciones, y la existencia del narrador.

La novela hipermedia Califia de M.D. 2. Precisamente, como sostiene Montfort (1995), para enfatizar su atributo más importante a las "computer narratives" se las denomina "ficción interactiva". 3. Victory Garden Sampler. Victory Garden by Stuart Moulthrop Copyright Eastgate Systems 1995 All Rights Reserved =============== 105 spaces; about 500 links Starting Points More... Go Home Start Again Help!

Eastgate Fiction Nonfiction Poetry Hypertext Storyspace Tinderbox HypertextNow Order Copyright (c) 2003 by Eastgate Systems, Inc. Eastgate: Serious Hypertext. Poem Generator. MoonEdit. Experiential Typewriter. From Dead Media Archive Function "For us these neurological numbers take on the meaning of mantras" (Psychedelic Review, 70). The "mantra" reprinted to the left corresponds to “astonishing statistics about the nervous system and potentialities of consciousness” (70). The ingestion of psychedelic foods or drugs supposedly allows us to tap into some of these neural activities that are repressed during regular cognitive action.

Supplement of 4/21 : Home by bicycle. And notes that “I was able to write the last words only with great effort” (27). In the 1965 paper announcing the experiential typewriter Leary a device capable of recording experience during a roller coaster ride: “Lets imagine twenty buttons which the subject will push to record his reactions. Design Esterline Angus Chart Recorder The experiential typewriter’s design is credited to Dr.

Why the non-verbal communication is performed with the fingers may be related to our critical concept the "obvious. " Coding Keyboard Diagram Access. Lost in Translation - Cross-language computer translation. "Language is the source of misunderstandings. " — Antoine de Saunt-Exupéry in The Little Prince Important: Systran, which for years provided our translation functionality, shut down their service in May. We're now using Google Translate. Unfortunately, the Google Translate API has been officially deprecated as of May 26, 2011. Google's API will be shut off completely on December 1, 2011. What happens when an English phrase is translated by computer back and forth among a few different languages?

Try it for yourself! Rob's Amazing Poem Generator. DadaDodo. SCIgen - An Automatic CS Paper Generator. SCIgen - An Automatic CS Paper Generator About SCIgen is a program that generates random Computer Science research papers, including graphs, figures, and citations. It uses a hand-written context-free grammar to form all elements of the papers.

Our aim here is to maximize amusement, rather than coherence. One useful purpose for such a program is to auto-generate submissions to conferences that you suspect might have very low submission standards. A prime example, which you may recognize from spam in your inbox, is SCI/IIIS and its dozens of co-located conferences (check out the very broad conference description on the WMSCI 2005 website). We went to WMSCI 2005. Also, check out our 10th anniversary celebration project: SCIpher! Generate a Random Paper Want to generate a random CS paper of your own? SCIgen currently supports Latin-1 characters, but not the full Unicode character set. Examples Talks Harnessing Byzantine Fault Tolerance Using Classical Theory Dr. Trouble playing the AVI?

Code. Mark V. Shaney at Your Service. Mark V Shaney. System which created Usenet posts using Markov chains Mark V. Shaney is a synthetic Usenet user whose postings in the newsgroups were generated by Markov chain techniques, based on text from other postings. The username is a play on the words "Markov chain". Many readers were fooled into thinking that the quirky, sometimes uncannily topical posts were written by a real person. The system was designed by Rob Pike with coding by Bruce Ellis. Don P.

Mitchell wrote the Markov chain code, initially demonstrating it to Pike and Ellis using the Tao Te Ching as a basis. Examples[edit] A classic example, from 1984, originally sent as a mail message, later posted to[1] is reproduced here: >From mvs Fri Nov 16 17:11 EST 1984 remote from alice It looks like Reagan is going to say? Other quotations from Mark's Usenet posts are:[2] "I spent an interesting evening recently with a grain of salt. " History[edit] Kernighan and Pike listed Mark V. Dewdney pointed out "perhaps Mark V. Random word generator | Stuck for a word? Need something to adequately describe your day yet doesn't already have some other meaning? Look no further than the random word generator!

How does it work? By analyising the frequency of pairs of letters in 45,402 different words it is possible to generate new words which, although don't have any meaning, are reasonably syntactically correct. Sometimes you may get a word which does already exist, but there should be plenty there that don't. You can refresh the page for 20 new words, or, if you fancy, you can enter a couple of letters to influence how the generated words start. Since the 5th November 2006, this site has generated 49,453,880 random words. Random Words Futher information If you're really interested in how this works, then it is all to do with Markov chains which deal with the probabilities of pairs of letters appearing after other pairs of letters.

Cuarenta siglos del Oulipo, Marcel Bénabou. Para los oulipianos, un año vale un siglo. He aquí la larga historia de un grupo que, sumando conceptos matemáticos y restricciones literarias, explora los recursos infinitos de la lengua. Los miembros del Oulipo acostumbran definirse como: " Ratas que deben construir ellas mismas el laberinto del cual se proponen salir"(1) (Tienen cierta coquetería).

Pero habría que desglosar esta fórmula. Para ello, sumerjámonos un poco en la historia. En 1960 se constituyó un pequeño grupo de amantes de las letras que en un primer momento se llamó Seminario de la Literatura Experimental (Sélitex), para luego denominarse El Taller de Literatura Potencial (Oulipo). De entrada se negó a reconocerse como un movimiento literario. Aclarado esto, una definición más optimista del proyecto se hizo realidad. La primera es inventar estructuras, formas o nuevos retos que permitan la produccción de obras originales.

Del buen uso de la restricción Extensiones Empecemos por el campo teórico. Conclusiones.