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なんて優雅なんだ・・・一瞬の「時を奪われる」闘魚(ベタ)の美しい姿たち | DDN JAPAN

SuperBetta : Inicio / Glaucus atlanticus. Azoo pl - Buscar con Google. Producciones Artísticas de la Naturaleza S.L. - Inicio. 2006 AGA Aquascaping Contest. Paludarios. Inicio - Aquatic Gardeners Association. 2008 AGA Aquascaping Contest. Every year I'm amazed at the outstanding aquascapes that are entered in our anual contest and think that this year's entries just couldn't top the previous year's tanks. However, as usual, I'm surprised and excited about the turnout and the quality of the aquascapes entered in this year's contest.

Each year, new trends in aquascaping appear in the entries and for this year, the trend toward mimicry of nature scenes was evident in a number of the aquascapes. In addition to the natural scenic aquascapes, we had an especially strong showing in our small tank category and some superb tanks in the extra-large category. So all-in-all, another excellent year for our contest and hobby. Before we open the contest for viewing, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank all of the individuals who helped with our contest.

Finally, I would like to extend a huge thanks to Seachem and The Dallas-Fort Worth Aquatic Plant Club for their sponsorship of this year's contest. Pasión por los acuarios. - Fantail (goldfish) The Fantail goldfish is the western form of the Ryukin that possesses an egg-shaped body, a high dorsal fin, a long quadruple caudal fin, and no shoulder hump.[1][2] A red and silver fancy fantailed goldfish. Good-quality Fantails are produced by rigorous fry selection.[2] Fantails can be difficult to breed. Jump up ^ "Fancy Goldfish: A Complete Guide to Care and Collecting" by Dr. Erik L. Johnson, D.V.M. and Richard E. Butterfly tail (goldfish)

The Butterfly tail (Man Shek-hay, 1993) or Butterfly telescope (Teichfischer, 1994)is a variety of goldfish that is distinguished by the butterfly-shaped caudal fins when viewed from above. It is a variety that only until recent has been deemed a major lineage by a few published works. Because this tail conformation is commonly bred into the telescope eye goldfish, the term "butterfly tail" is just short for the many names this variety has such as Butterfly tail telescope, Butterfly tail demekin, Butterfly tail Moor and Top view telescope (TVT).

The butterfly tail is a variant form of the telescope goldfish with protruding eyes and is best appreciated by viewing it from above. While this tail variation is commonly paired with the telescope eye variation, 'butterfly shaped tails' may be present in other goldfish standard varieties such as ryukins or orandas. "An Interpet Guide to Fancy Goldfish" by Dr.

Varieties of Goldfish -About Butterfly Tail. Pets Australia - Pets for Sale Pet Information Health Classifieds Breeders. Pearlscale. Description[edit] The pearlscale standard is as follows: Depth of body to be greater than 2/3 of body lengthScales to be domedDorsal fin to be single, all other fins to be paired.Caudal fin to be divided and forked and held above the horizontal.Extremities of fins to have a slightly rounded appearance.Minimum length of body to be 5.5 cm (2¼ inches). The fish should be bright and alert and displaying well developed domed scales all over the body area. The body should be short and rounded (not elongated). The caudal fin should be held high without signs of drooping and well divided. Quality fish will have high colour intensity extending into the fins.[4] - every smart fish Ping Pong Pearlscale before wen and domed scales developed.Pearlscale Goldfish in a hand. Coloration[edit] Pearlscales come in every colour variety.[3] A baby pearlscale before headgrowth Variants[edit] Pearlscales are found without headgrowth, with Oranda-like headgrowth or with two large bubble domes.

See also[edit] Panda Moor. The panda moor is a fancy goldfish with a characteristic black-and-white color pattern and protruding eyes.[1][2] Description[edit] Juvenile Panda Moor goldfish Panda moors have delicate projecting eyes, deep bodies, and long flowing fins. Like any other moor goldfish, pandas can grow very fat. They are metallic-scaled. Young moors resemble bronze fantails and their protruding eyes gradually develop with age. They sport a velvety appearance in maturity.

Special care[edit] They have the same needs as the Black Moor or Telescope goldfish. References[edit] ^ Jump up to: a b Andrews, Dr. See also[edit] Black moor. Bubble Eye. The Bubble Eye is a small variety of fancy goldfish with upward pointing eyes that are accompanied by two large fluid-filled sacs. It is a dorsal-less fish, and good specimens will have a clean back and eye bubbles well matched for colour and size.

The bubbles are fragile and the fish should be kept separately from boisterous types and away from sharp tank decor, although the bubbles will regrow if punctured. The bubbles can disadvantage the fish as it is not a strong swimmer, with a seemingly low bobbing head at times, bubbles are infamous for being sucked into filters and siphons in an aquarium.[1] It is known as suihogan in Japan.[2] Bubble eye goldfish in a hand. Description[edit] The Bubble Eye normally has an evenly curved back that lacks a fin. References[edit] A bubble eye goldfish External links and further readings[edit] See also[edit] Celestial eye. Comet (goldfish)

The comet or comet-tailed goldfish is the most common variety of fancy goldfish in the United States. It is similar to the common goldfish, except slightly smaller and slimmer, and is mainly distinguished by its long deeply forked tail.[1] The comet-tailed goldfish breed was developed in the United States from the common goldfish by Hugo Mulertt, a government worker, in the 1880s. The first comet goldfish was first seen in the ponds of the U.S. Government Fish Commission in Washington, D.C..[1][2] Mulertt later became a propagator of goldfish and an author of books on goldfish. He was the first person to place the comet onto the fishkeeping market in quantity.[3][4][5][6] A white comet goldfish. The comet goldfish can be distinguished from the common goldfish by its long, single and deeply forked tail fin. The Comet is more active than most other goldfish breeds. A baby Sarasa goldfish. Goldfish are commonly bred on fish farms in many parts of the world. Black Comet Goldfish.

Pompom (goldfish) Pompoms or pompon or hana fusa[1] are a type of fancy goldfish that have bundles of loose fleshy outgrowths between the nostrils, on each side of the head.[2][3] Chocolate Pom Pom Oranda 'Billy' The Chinese submit this variety as the "Velvet ball". There are records for the existence of this fish being seen as far back as 1898. The first importation of these fish into the United Kingdom was in 1936 when the original fish were exported from Shanghai and others were displayed at an aquarium in Paris. The hana fusa or white pompom oranda is an elegant pompom with a dorsal fin.[2] Varieties of Goldfish -About Pompom. 熱帯魚 水草 水槽の激安通販【レヨンベールアクア】 Veiltail. The veiltail is a type of goldfish known for its extra-long, flowing double tail.[1][2] Description[edit] The veiltail has a modified deep-and-round ryukin-shaped body, though without the dorsal 'hump' characteristic of ryukins. The hallmark of the breed is its lengthy and graceful double tail which is square-edged and without any forking or indentation between the lobes.

It also has a high, prominent and well-developed dorsal fin. History and origins[edit] The veiltail, a name coined by William T. Variants[edit] Apart from those bred and developed in the United States, there are now also Chinese and European strains. Special care[edit] The long and trailing tail of the veiltail is delicate and can be easily damaged. References[edit] ^ Jump up to: a b c d Andrews, Chris. See also[edit] Common goldfish. Common goldfish or hibuna [1] are a type of goldfish with no other modifications from their ancestors other than their colour. Most varieties of fancy goldfish were derived from this simple breed. Common goldfish come in a variety of colours including red, orange/gold, white, black and yellow or "lemon" goldfish. Temperament[edit] Common goldfish are social animals who prefer living in groups. They are able to interact with any fish belonging to the same species.

With provision of adequate care and attention, common goldfish can become tame. If transferred into a tank of other goldfish, a common goldfish would normally try to communicate and familiarize itself with its new tank mates by rubbing up against the body of other fish. Hierarchy during feeding is commonly observed in which the larger goldfish receives most of the food. Housing[edit] Common goldfish in a pond Goldfish are curious fish that will quickly become bored without items or other fish to interact with.

Breeding[edit] Shubunkin. Description[edit] Illustration of a shubunkin. It may take several months for the nacreous coloration to develop on a young fry (baby fish). Shubunkins are excellent pond fish because they reach a length of 9 to 18 inches (23 to 41 centimeters) at adulthood. A shubunkin goldfish is considered an adult at 2 to 3 years of age,[1][2] even though they live much longer. American shubunkin Male Shubunkin Variants[edit] An adult shubunkin, 26cm in length London shubunkins have stout bodies and also short, rounded finnage that is similar to the common goldfish.[1][2]American shubunkins (pictured in infobox) have a slimmer body shape than the london shubunkin with deeply forked, pointed tail fins, and longer finnage all around.[2]Bristol shubunkins are slim bodied goldfish with well-developed finnage possessing a tail that is large, moderately forked, and rounded at the end making a shape similar to that of the capitalized letter "B".[1][2] References[edit] External links[edit]

En cinco años desaparecerá el ajolote de Xochimilco, alertan - La Jornada. ■ El crecimiento de la mancha urbana, una de las causas, expone especialista de la UNAM ■ La carpa y la tilapia, introducidas para promover la acuacultura, se han convertido en plaga ■ Alteran el medio en el que se reproduce el anfibio, además de comerse los huevecillos De la Redacción Ampliar la imagen Una especialista muestra un ejemplar en el Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas y Acuáticas de Xochimilco Foto: Marco Peláez De continuar deteriorándose la zona lacustre de Xochimilco, el ajolote, especie endémica y una de las más importantes de México, desaparecerá en cinco años, alertó Luis Zambrano González, investigador del Instituto de Biología (IB) de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). El análisis de los datos sobre la densidad poblacional del anfibio en los cuerpos hidrológicos de esa demarcación, en 2007 y 2008, revela que la cantidad de ejemplares disminuyó a una décima parte, en comparación con 2004.

Casi 95 por ciento de la biomasa Sobreexplotación del recurso. Filtrado del Acuario :: Filtro De Teja Y Calefacción Radiante En Acuario De 1.000l. Bueno, hoy toca un brico sobre la instalación de un filtro de teja, un filtro de fondo y un sistema de calefacción radiante bajo el sustrato, todos ellos combinados. Y porque combinar estos tres elementos?... Pues vamos por partes: El filtro de fondo o también llamado filtro de placas. Es un sistema de filtración muy utilizado antiguamente, y, no se muy bien porque, hoy en día poco valorado y utilizado por los aficionados. No digo que no se use, pero si es cierto que tiene menos relevancia que otros sistemas de filtración. Su planteamiento es sencillo. Consiste en aprovechar el desarrollo de la flora bacteriana de nuestro sustrato para realizar las funciones de filtración biológica del acuario. El filtro de teja: Es un sistema de filtración muy similar a un seco-húmedo convencional.

La circulación que se produce de esta forma, transporta sustancias alimenticias junto con el agua caliente, desde las capas inferiores del fondo a las superiores. Herramientas: Aquí el saco de arlita… CO2 casero con bebedero de pájaros. Aquariumplants H - L |

Iluminacion acuario

Atlas del acuario de agua dulce. Eutanasia. Un tema tan en boga en la actualidad como la eutanasia merece ser tratado de forma especial también desde el punto de vista acuariófilo. No queremos en ningún momento equiparar el caso humano al de los animales ni tampoco entrar en polémica o herir sensibilidades. De modo que recomendamos a todo aquél que sea especialmente sensible a estos temas, sea cual sea el organismo que esté implicado, que no continúe leyendo este artículo. Antes de continuar, nos gustaría decir que como biólogos y naturalistas somos unos defensores a ultranza del derecho a la vida, pero también creemos que cuando un animal se encuentra aquejado de una grave enfermedad que no tiene curación o la enfermedad se ha descubierto cuando estaba muy avanzada y no hay garantías que vaya a producirse ninguna mejora, más bien todo lo contrario, creemos que no es necesario alargar su sufrimiento.

¿Cuando debe aplicarse la eutanasia? ¿Cómo sacrificar a un pez? Los métodos se agrupan en dos grandes bloques: Métodos físicos. Atlas PlanetAcuario. Preguntas Más Fecuentes - Acuariofilia (FAQ acuario) Terribilis. Ecosphere Associates, Inc.: Closed Ecosystem, Self Contained Aquarium. Septiembre « 2007 « El acuario del capitán Nemo.

Acuario wikis

Plagas acuario. Acuario general. Salado. Foros acuarios. Acuario plantado. Axolotes. Goldfish.