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Why Ebook Subscription Services Will Finally Succeed In The Coming Decade. Subscription services for digital music, movies, and TV shows are all very popular nowadays, but for ebooks, they aren’t.

Why Ebook Subscription Services Will Finally Succeed In The Coming Decade

Although ebook subscription services have existed for several years, they have yet to take off. That’s going to change in the coming decade: by the end of the 2020s, we’ll see subscription ebooks become as ubiquitous as Spotify and Netflix. Ebook subscription services have lagged behind music and video subscription services from the beginning. Procrastinar. En inglés se usa mucho la palabra procrastinate: dejar para mañana.


Se traduce a veces por aplazar, diferir, posponer, postergar o relegar, que no dan la idea de hábito. Por otra parte, posponer, postergar y relegar implican, en primer lugar, ‘dar menos importancia’ (a una de las personas o cuestiones que esperan, por ejemplo); y secundariamente ‘dejar para después’.


Curiosidades. Libros de texto. Libros y Libros electrónicos. Editoriales.