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Studyladder, online mathematics & literacy learning. Resources from - free teacher resources for every UK primary school teaching topic. Tutpup - play, compete, learn. Skillswise - Numbers - Whole Numbers. Maths Games - from For Teachers. NRICH promotes the learning of mathematics through problem solving. We provide engaging problems, linked to the curriculum, with support for teachers in the classroom. This is what a typical teacher's home page looks like. Mouse over the boxed areas for further explanation. We suggest that you find the teacher home that suits you best and go there regularly for updates: This is the button that gets you to this teacher guide. This button gets you to the home page for secondary teachers (shown here). The STEM link gets you to our extensive collection of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics resources.

The AskNRICH link gets you to a lively mathematics forum where students can ask for help from our trained mentors. Latest The last few features appear in the latest carousel. Collections A tree of resources from the NRICH archives giving you access to the best of our permanent collection. Trending Filled with exciting goodies and updated every few days. Past Features Current Feature Related. Super Teacher Worksheets - Printable Worksheets. Telling Time Worksheets (Clocks) STW Filing Cabinet Logged in members can use the Super Teacher Worksheets filing cabinet to save their favorite worksheets.

Quickly access your most commonly used files AND your custom generated worksheets! Please login to your account or become a member today to utilize this helpful new feature. :) [x] close This document has been saved in your Super Teacher Worksheets filing cabinet. Here you can quickly access all of your favorite worksheets and custom generated files in one place! Click on My Filing Cabinet in the menu at the upper left to access it anytime!

Grade Level Estimation Title: Grade Level Estimation: 1st2nd3rd4th5th Grade level may vary depending on location and school curriculum. Common Core Standards Common core standards listing. All common core standards details. If you think there should be a change in the common core standards listed for this worksheet - please let us know. [x] close Very Basic - Nearest Hour What Time Is It? Write the time shown on each clock. I have... Printable interactive 100 number chart worksheets- color number patterns 1-100. 1. Offline Worksheet Click on the printer icon located in the interactive game (where it says "Full Page Print") to print out an uncolored number chart worksheet. 2. Skip Counting Have students color the number chart to reinforce different lessons.

For example, have them select a color and color all the squares that are multiples of two the same color. Repeat for number patterns for counting by fives and tens by selecting a different color. 3. Have students color code the number chart for math factors and multiplication tables. Note: If students make a mistake coloring their number pattern, select the white crayon to color the mistake and it will reset the square to a blank color. General. Studyladder, online english literacy & mathematics. Kids activity games, worksheets and lesson plans. Mathematics Centre ... A world of alternatives to text-based learning.