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Blueberry - A simple, fluid, responsive jQuery image slider. What is Blueberry? Blueberry is an experimental opensource jQuery image slider plugin which has been written specifically to work with fluid/responsive web layouts. A brief history With the popularity of smart phones and tablet devices responsive/fluid web layouts have become an important part of modern web design. Working on a new project I decided to use the 1140px grid from So, I decided to start writing a basic plugin with the aim of making it suitable for responsive web design. The goal The hope is that I can at least nudge developers of more popular slider plugins to think about responsive web design, and make their plugins compatible. In the mean time, I aim to continue to develop this plugin (time permitting), squashing some of the bugs and implementing more advanced features. Check out the contribute section to find out how you can help. Frequently Asked Questions Why is it called Blueberry? Help make Blueberry better Known issues Wishlist Buy me a beer.

Coda Slider Effect. How to Solve the Problem Recreating this effect is simple to do if you know what plugins to use. There are plugins out in the wild already, but we want our jQuery to satisfy the following requirements: Degrades perfectly without JavaScript enabledSliding panels effect without hogging browser CPUNext and previous buttons added using JavaScript because they hold no use without JavaScriptHitting the page with a specific hash (i.e. page.html#preview) shows the right tab, and highlights the right navigationAny link on the page that refers back to a panel should trigger the effect and highlight the right navigation – this should happen without any extra work The hash is the emphasised part (including the # symbol) in: In fact, our version of this slider will be better than Panic’s and the current jQuery plugins if we can meet all of the requirements.

I’ve provided a screencast to walk through how create this functionality. Plugins Required Markup. SlidesJS, a simple slideshow plugin for jQuery. AnythingSlider. Download from GitHub Lots of people have worked on AnythingSlider and there is a lot more to it than you can see here (themes, effects, options, etc). Go snag the code from GitHub to see the full monty. Features Panels are HTML Content (can be anything). Change content by scrolling horizontally or vertically, or by cross-fading* between slides. * New in version 1.8! Multiple AnythingSliders allowable per-page. Default Options See the documentation for complete description of these options (appearance, navigation, slideshow, callbacks & events, video, interativity & misc).

Une galerie d'images simple avec jQuery. Ce tutoriel vous guide dans la réalisation d’une galerie d’images simple, avec JavaScript et la bibliothèque jQuery. Introduction Réaliser une galerie photo en JavaScript n'est à première vue pas bien compliqué. Pourtant, si l'on veut bien faire les choses, le code peut rapidement devenir complexe et verbeux. Voici un système simple et non intrusif de visualisation d'images avec chargement et effet de fondu, comme on peut le visualiser avec cet exemple. Grâce à jQuery, l'écriture de ce script s'en trouve grandement simplifiée et concise.

Attention: l’adjectif «simple» dans le titre du tutoriel désigne la galerie d’images réalisée, pas forcément les étapes pour y parvenir. La base HTML Nous allons commencer par créer une liste de vignettes qui, une fois cliquées, afficheront nos images grand format. Nous avons maintenant notre balisage HTML définitif. La surcouche JavaScript Il reste à créer et lier le fichier qui contiendra le code de création de notre galerie d'images. jQuery plugin Easy Image or Content Slider. Click here for the new version of this plugin This is my first jQuery plugin. I wrote several jQuery scripts but never made a real plugin just because I was I afraid of it’s complexity.

It turned out to be a lot easier than I thought so I went ahead and created this one. Easy Slider (as I call this plugin) enables images or any content to slide horizontally or vertically on click. It is configurable with css alone. So, basically you link to plugin file, set the content up and style it with css. Download Getting Started First you’ll need content and it should be wrapped inside a div containing an ordered list where each list item represents one slide. <div id="slider"><ul> <li>content here... You can basically put whatever you want inside list items as long as you keep the same dimensions.

To activate the script you will need to download the files, place jQuery file and easySlider.js somewhere on your site and link to them: Next is up to your preferences – styling. Options Demos. JbhSlider. FlexSlider.