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4: Sync PalmOne LifeDrive via Bluetooth. Wifi on treo 650 uberhack - wireless hacks - _ Your Mobile Phone Community & Resource - Palm OS. Support - Download & Install Treo 650 Updater for Verizon Wireless. Verizon- A palmOne Treo Resource Center. TreoMB - Palm Treo News and Message Board. ..shadowmite: Palm Tricks, Hacks and Patches. PdaNet -- Use your Treo smartphone as a Wireless Modem for your PC. VOCARO.COM. Step-by-step instructions for dial-up networking with the Sprint Treo, Bluetooth, and Mac OS X In November 2004, Sprint became the first wireless carrier to offer the Treo 650, a smartphone that some considered to be the best on the market. The 650 offered some tantalizing features: 320x320 color screen, a 312 MHz processor, built-in keyboard and camera, Bluetooth connectivity, wireless Internet access, and the Palm OS operating system, compatible with thousands of third-party applications.

The Sprint Treo 650 was also notable for what it did not include: dial-up networking (DUN) over Bluetooth. This feature can link a computer to the 650's wireless Internet connection, combining the go-anywhere Internet access of a smartphone with the convenience of a personal computer. You could, for example, bring your laptop on a trip and connect it to the Internet just like you would at home, even if your hotel provides no Internet service. A hack for DUN-over-Bluetooth Treo 700p users, take note! 650 Dial-Up Networking over Bluetooth for Mac OS X PowerBooks. This is just the coolest hack in recent days. Shadowmite un-hid the Dial-Up Networking on Sprint's Treo 650 phone making it so a computer can connect to the Internet through the Treo via Bluetooth. Trevor Harmon compiled step by step instructions for dial-up networking with the Sprint Treo 650, Bluetooth, and Mac OS X complete with screenshots and links to the hacked .prc files.

I was able to get on the net wirelessly fairly quickly which finally enabled my PowerBook to completely replace my old WinXP laptop. Have PowerBook and Treo 650, will Travel. Lack of “Internet anywhere” was one of the two main hold backs to my buying a PowerBook. With this in mind, I stopped by the Apple Store several months ago and asked them how I could get online anywhere as I could with my WinXP machine. Several months later, I finally purchased a PowerBook and I didn't worry much about how I might get online in the middle of nowhere. I tried it and viola! DIY Verizon Treo 650 - Engadget - We still don't exactly know when Verizon is going to carry the Treo 650 (sometime early next year is about as unhazy as it gets right now), but if you're tired of waiting for one you can do like this guy did on TreoCentral and figure out how to hack the Sprint version of the phone so it'll work on Verizon's network (there was a similar hack for making the Treo 600 work on Verizon's network before Verizon started carrying it a few months ago).

He even got the data networking to work, too. Verizon won't be too happy about it (and Sprint probably won't be either, for that matter), and you'll probably void your warranty, but as far as we can tell this isn't illegal or anything. Comments.