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Shareable Content Object Reference Model - a definition - see also: SCORM. Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is an XML-based framework used to define and access information about learning objects so they can be easily shared among different learning management systems (LMSs).

Shareable Content Object Reference Model - a definition - see also: SCORM

SCORM was developed in response to a United States Department of Defense (DoD) initiative to promote standardization in e-learning. The DoD had been frustrated by problems they encountered when trying to share distance learning courses among different learning management systems used within the Department, so in 1997 they formed the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) specification group to create a way to make learning content portable across various systems. ADL created the first version of SCORM, which originally stood for Shareable Courseware Object Reference Model. Contributor(s): Irene. Shareable Content Object Reference Model Initiative (SCORM) Note: Sometime in 2001 [?]

Shareable Content Object Reference Model Initiative (SCORM)

, the acronym "SCORM" became known as "Shareable Content Object Reference Model Initiative"; earlier it was given as "Shareable Courseware Object Reference Model Initiative. " Both expansions are retained in this document. Advanced Distributed Learning - Home.