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Science2.0. Mashup Dashboard - ProgrammableWeb. Web 2.0-Style Mashups Making Major Inroads in the Enterprise ( HOW-TO: Make your own annotated multimedia Google map. One of the great things about Google maps is it has its roots in XML. To translate for the non-web developers out there, it basically means Google maps are user hackable. This how-to will show you how to make your own annotated Google map from your own GPS data. Plus, you'll be able to tie in images and video to create an interactive multimedia map. We'll walk you through the steps we took to generate an annotated map of a walk we took recently through our hometown, now that it's actually starting to get warm enough to want to walk about! Background I saw this post by Jon Udell, in which he does a screencast of an annotated walking tour through Keene, NH. Materials GPS device. Getting started Before we get in to how it's done, let's look at the results.

This map works like any other Google map, except for the fact that we've created it ourselves and added media to it. Now that we've seen what we're about to create, let's get started. Here's what you'll need to edit for each waypoint: How to Make Your Own Web Mashup. So you want to make a mashup but aren't entirely sure where to begin? This page can help you get there. 1. Pick a subject Answer the question: a mashup of what? Hint: Plotting markers on maps is probably the easiest place to start. It might just be the best delis in your neighborhood. This helps define what APIs and tools you'll be looking at: maps, news, auctions, products, etc. 2. What is the source of your data? (For the purposes of this Guide, I won't spend time distinguishing between a true 'mashup', thus 2 or more data sources, and just using an API, which may mean only 1 external source. 3.

Mashups, as of today, are mostly a programmer's affair although there are some tools such as MapBuilder and Wayfaring that can help you create basic maps without coding. How much of a coder are you? How much time do you have? Do you have a server to run this on? What language will you use? Note that this whole step may arguably be Step 1, depending on your perspective. 4. 5.

Map Builder::Rapid mashup development tool for Google and Yahoo maps! MashupFeed - Home to Mashups.» Web 2.0 API Reference Guide.