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WICKED PROBLEMS 2.0. I met Jeff Conklin a few years ago when he did a presentation of dialogue mapping using the open source software Compendium developed in conjunction with Verizon - yes the telecommunications company. Dialogue mapping enables a facilitator to track the iteration of conversations about complex problems or "wicked problems" as multiple speakers work through their understanding of the issue and derive an approach or design not necessarily a solution. As we all know, dialogues such as these generally do not flow in neat linear progression nor do they have "air tight" solutions. Complex problems have a way of morphing just when a few people think they have a break through in understanding the issue let alone a solution. So we are mostly coming up with best case approximations of an approach over time. Just communicating the difference between a linear approach compared to a non-linear is in itself a "wicked problem"!

His diagram is masterful. . ~ Victoria G. Dialogue Mapping. The icons represent the basic elements of the Dialogue Mapping™ grammar (called IBIS): Questions, Ideas, Pros and Cons. This is a very simple map, meant to convey the basics of IBIS. In real meetings and projects the maps are much larger, more complex, and can be nested deeply. Here's an example of some larger maps from a 2-day strategic planning meeting: This combination of (i) a shared hypertext display, (ii) a trained facilitator, and (iii) a conversational grammar is Dialogue Mapping™. (For a detailed narrative of a Dialogue Mapping™ session, see "The Dialogue Mapping™ Experience".) In Dialogue Mapping™, as the conversation unfolds and the map grows, each person can see a summary of the meeting discussion so far.

The map serves as a "group memory," virtually eliminating the need for participants to repeat themselves to get their points made. Some Benefits of Dialogue Mapping™ include: Each participant's contribution is heard and acknowledged in the map. Compendium Institute. The Open University : KMi : Compendium. OpenLearn Home page. Epoch. Knowledge Mapping QuickStart Guide - LearningSpace. Collaborative Compendium. History of Compendium. Distributed Compendium discussion. About Memetic. Transclusion. B is transcluded in the document A In computer science, transclusion is the inclusion of a document or part of a document into another document by reference. For example, an article about a country might include a chart or a paragraph describing that country's agricultural exports from a different article about agriculture.

Rather than copying the included data and storing it in two places, a transclusion embodies modular design, by allowing it to be stored only once (and perhaps corrected and updated if the link type supported that) and viewed in different contexts. The reference also serves to link both articles. Transclusion is usually performed on demand at the time one document referencing another is opened, and is normally automatic and transparent to the end user. The result appears to be a single integrated document, even though its parts were assembled on-the-fly from several separate documents which may have come from different computers located in different places. HTML[edit] Abstract WP-131 Issues as Elements of Information Systems. Compendium. Al Selvin. New! Thesis info Summary As a director in Verizon Telecom IT, I run a group designing the user experience for the systems used in our retail call centers. This involves spending a lot of time with the users out in the field, understanding what works and what could work better.

I originated the Compendium hypermedia methodology and software in the mid-1990s, and have stayed a member of the core team throughout its history. As a researcher I'm interested in helping people to understand their situation, especially in difficult circumstances. I've followed this set of threads through many studies, jobs, travels, writing and music. Writing A pretty recent publications list. Music I play piano, organ, guitar, and bass, self-taught and of limited technique, but I do alright in some kinds of funk, rock, and blues (and am an Afropop wannabe). Travels Friends For me, engaged and creative collaboration is one of the highest human states.

Influences/Inspirations Books Food Studies 1984. 1982. Jobs 1984. Library - Research Papers. Compendium Maps. Institute. Compendium Community - Showcase. Compendium Institute. Compendium Workshop 2005.