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Presentation Basics

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(72) Google Slides for Interactive Stories, Quizzes, and Games. 10 Sexy Presentation Slides, Tips on How You Can Design Awesome Pre... Presentation Design 411. Color For Dummies. Guy Kawasaki Presentation Rule. Death by PowerPoint. Tips and Tricks On How To Become a Presentation Ninja. Feb 09 2011 Making a great presentation is not easy.

Tips and Tricks On How To Become a Presentation Ninja

It’s something that requires hard work, thought and practice. And did I mention practice? As the saying goes, “Practice makes perfect!” So in other words: You won’t turn into Steve Jobs over night from reading this article. Presentation is Not an Art Art is something created without a specific target audience in mind. The good news is that it doesn’t take much to dramatically change the way your audience will react to your presentations. The Plan Like with any design/development project, you can divide presentation design into phases: 1) Planning, 2) Producing and 3) Performing. Write all your ideas and thoughts down before you forget them.

Essentially, when you start planning your presentation, you should treat it as you would a treat a written story. Know Your Audience Start by asking yourself these questions about your audience: “Who are they?” Outline Tell what you want to tell them about (your introduction/outline).Tell it! Write Sketch. How To Make Great Presentations.

At some point, most of us have to make a presentation.

How To Make Great Presentations

Does the notion fill you with dread? Or perhaps you comfortable with presenting, but often don’t know what to say, or how best to say it? Do you think you might get more sales, or get your way more often, if you could made better presentations? Making better presentations is a craft that can be learned. Let’s break the elements of a presentation down to an easy-to-use template. 1. Great presentations are only partly about execution. Like a great play, or a great movie, great presentations are carefully planned and scripted. Presentations have a lot in common with theater and story telling.

So before you touch Powerpoint, you should reach for a paper and pen, and create a plan. A plan should consist of the following points: 1. What is the moral of your story? 5 Rules for Creating Great Presentations from @NancyDuarte. With over a quarter million presentations under her belt, including notable ones like Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth , Nancy Duarte reigns supreme as the world's most sought-after presentation expert.

5 Rules for Creating Great Presentations from @NancyDuarte

Recently, Nancy paid a visit to HubSpot in preparation for her appearance as keynote speaker at 2011 HUGS , and shared a bit of her wisdom on what sets apart great presentations from average ones. Face it. Most presentations are not great. Many of us have come to rely on tools like Powerpoint to facilitate meetings and convey ideas—yet more often than not, we fall short. How in the world is a slide like this going to inspire action? Great presentations can and do inspire change. Use these five simple but powerful rules to elevate your next presentation from mundane to magnificent. RULE #1: Treat your audience as king. Like any good content, great presentations focus less on the author and more on the audience.

RULE #2: Spread ideas & move people. RULE #4. Do you have one main point?