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How to Start a Blog That Makes $3,817 a Month (Step-by-Step Guide) Something big has been happening in the world of work. How is it possible that so many people, from all walks of life and all ages, are creating blogs and entire businesses online? Can blobs of text, blended with a series of images really possess superpowers? And, honestly, how many people want to read the scattered thoughts of an average person like you or me? This blog you’re reading gets over 2,436,112 unique visitors a year and generates well over a million dollars a year in revenue. Just look at my revenue stats for a 30 day period: $381,772 a month is a lot of money… especially for a blog. Today I’d like to give you every single step that you need to follow to create a blog, growing it AND learning how to monetize it in just 47 minutes. Step 1. If you want to create a blog, you don’t need a revolutionary idea.

Remember that no idea, no matter how good, is truly unique. But, you have unique experiences. 1. If you don’t love the topic, it’ll show in your writing. 2. Step 3. Here’s how. 5 Writing Principles That Will Make Your Content Go Viral. Cast the first stone in me, those of you unwilling to create viral content that gets well shared! And cast the second stone in me, those of you unwilling to create and publish content that gets well shared and… linked! Eric Enge at Stone Temple claims we still need links to enhance traffic. And in the world of content shock, we have to outdo ourselves for creating something truly magical that would bring those links and shares. In 2015, BuzzSumo analyzed one million posts and shocked us with the results: 50% of those posts got less than 8 shares, and 70% of them didn’t get links at all! Sounds not inspiring enough, huh? This year, they teamed up with Majestic and conducted new research to identify content types with a high potential to go viral.

With all those articles on the one-works-for-all recipe of content creation, we often forget about the most obvious trick to use for making this content lip-smacking. Men of pens hear that whisper from behind their shoulders right now: Words, pal! 1. URR: A Metric to Save Content Marketing from Making More Crap - Unthinkable. Here’s an actual moment in my career that made me want to start flipping tables. It’s an exchange between me and a colleague from several years ago: Me: Let’s update that truly terrible project sitting behind that lead-gen form. The design sucks. The copy is awful. We’re probably pissing off a ton of people who expect something great when they fill out that big form gating it. Colleague: Why? Me: (wraps fingers slowly around table leg) Being a content marketer is tough business. When defending an idea or desire to do better work, create-first content marketers so often hear the same comeback: “But how do you know?

Nope. The metrics we use to “know things” in content marketing are often misused to justify bad behavior — just like my old colleague. Enough. Introducing URR: Unsolicited Response Rate I was recently interviewed in Boston at Daniel Glickman’s event, CMO Confessions. “Unsolicited responses to my work.” And thus “URR” was born. We look for resonance, not reach. Thoughts on this? Data-driven SEO Part 2: Does Long Content Really Rank Better? – CanIRank Blog. Many SEOs have made the claim that long content ranks better, but… Is this yet another example of confusing correlation vs causation? Does longer content just earn more links? Do bigger, more authoritative sites publish longer content?

Is longer content just better optimized? Or… will publishing longer content really help you rank better? Using CanIRank’s ability to help us understand why sites rank where they do, we’re going to dig deeper into the question of content length vs. rank to determine whether this recommendation is actually supported by data. What Other Studies Have Found The question of whether longer content ranks better is one that has been asked many times. In 2016, Brian Dean conducted a study on “which factors correlate with first page search engine rankings.” At first glance, this graph looks appealing. SerpIQ conducted their study four years earlier and came to essentially the same conclusion. Interestingly, a third study from CognitiveSEO came to a different conclusion.

Content Marketing KPI's: How To Get Started. Everybody it seems is doing Content Marketing nowadays. Or at least thinking about doing Content Marketing. Whether it is through one of their social channels, or via their owned properties like their website. Content Marketing is As a Content Marketer, though, it’s simply not enough to simply do research, write, publish, and then repeat the circle again. You must measure the impact that your Content Marketing is having on your business. This holds true when you’re just starting with your Content Marketing or just periodically.

What is the desired or anticipated outcome? Making sure that your content marketing is creating your desired outcome, you started with the right Content Marketing Strategy. Content marketing goals are most of the times individual goals for you and your business. This does not mean, however, that there is no best approach to determine your specific goals and help create the right KPI’s for them. Content without any goals isn’t going to get you anywhere as well. Mirage Content is The Reason Your Company Blog Isn’t Generating Leads.

How many times have you clicked into an article expecting to read something great – only to be disappointed by how bland, re-hashed, and unoriginal the content is? You see a headline that makes great promises, something like: 25 of the Best Ways to Increase Your SEO by Tomorrow Then you click into the article expecting to find some great SEO tips and are left with takeaways like: “1. Make sure you’re entering keywords in the headline, body and meta title of your blog post.” “3. You think to yourself: Wow… I just wasted my time reading this POS article. And while you might think this example is funny…don’t be so quick to laugh. I challenge you to take a look at your own blog to make sure you’re not also creating “mirage content.” It’s the reason you hear the following problems over and over again: “Our content looks fine, but we’re just not getting traffic to it.”

“We’re writing on the same topics as our competitors but people aren’t linking to our pieces.” Here’s why it’s so common. That means: 6 Content Marketing Mistakes That Will Pause Growth Like A Mannequin Challenge. By now, you’ve seen the mannequin challenge. Everyone freezes in action poses, and in a silent, frozen way, enacts a scene. Whether it be a Christmas Dinner scene or a sporting event, there have been some really great mannequin challenges popping up all over the web. And for the content marketer, taking part in the mannequin challenge video was great – but following in a mannequins footsteps and seeing your results stand still is a nightmare. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, will make a content marketing mistake at some point in their career.

During my MozCon talk about Content Chaos, I talked about how I failed the first time I tried to use Reddit. I talked about how I assumed that you could go onto this channel, submit a bunch of links and drive traffic. What happened? I was blocked. I was banned. I was devastated. But I was able to learn from this mistake. Flops are something we can embrace. We can use our mistakes as an opportunity to learn what doesn’t work. Let’s get to it… It felt wrong. Blog Engagement: How to Get Abnormally High Comments, Shares, and Clicks (And How This All Adds Up To Sales) - Grow and Convert.

We’ve talked a lot about strategies for businesses to get leads and sales from content marketing — in particular, from blog traffic. But there’s a foundation under all of our strategies we haven’t yet discussed… Engagement. For example, to convert blog traffic into direct leads for enterprise sales teams, to get more sales of a subscription product after email optins, to get more email optins in the first place, you need an audience that’s engaged. Engaged is defined as: They comment on all of your blog posts (not just 1 or 2 “nice article” comments, but substantive engagement) They click and open to your emails They reply to emails when asked so you can get into conversations and understand customer pain points This engagement is the foundation of converting content marketing traffic into customers, and fans, of the company.

In this post we’ll share: How we’ve managed to comments on every one of our posts, with some posts getting as many as 69 comments. Are you acknowledging your readers? 1. Does My Startup Need a Blog? The short answer: no. There’s a better way. I’m a follower of Lean thinking and have become addicted to the thrill and benefits of immediate feedback. When starting Appcues, I wanted (maybe needed) to get those same benefits from my marketing activities. My ideal marketing strategy was: At my own pace (founders have other shit to do too).Gave me immediate feedback on how to improve it.Low effort, high reward. If I’m being honest, I wanted the results of a mature inbound marketing strategy but wasn’t willing to put in the work. After a few months of working on Appcues, a friend of mine showed me Segment’s Analytics Academy. I’ve shared this tip with many other startup founders. The Appcues Academy stats were exceptional for a team of five and zero marketers.

Content Academy vs. Let’s take a look at the physical differences that make up a great content academy. Finite in Nature Whereas blogs are limitless, an academy should have a clear start (matriculation) and end (graduation). Timely topics.