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Geoff -- раꜱꜱⅰоnате ꜱеху gⅰrlꜱ brⅰghтеn uр уоur lоnеlⅰnеꜱꜱ аnⅾ кⅰll ꜱurrоunⅾ уоu аꜰꜰестⅰоn аnⅾ lоᴠе.

Buying through a company: the pros and cons. The biggest trend that's taken place during my time in property is the huge and sudden shift to people buying properties within companies.

Buying through a company: the pros and cons

Up until 2015, it was very much a minority choice: there was no compelling need for many people, and mortgages for companies were much less competitive. But then the changes to the treatment of mortgage interested introduced in the summer 2015 budget happened – which made the company route far more appealing.


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