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Fantastic Techniques for Meeting People at Virtual Networking Events

27 december 2021

Fantastic Techniques for Meeting People at Virtual Networking Events

Virtual networking events can be an online conference, an invite-only webinar, or an informal event on social media. These events typically rely on online platforms that connect you with others via voice call or video chat. There are specialized virtual event platforms specific for conferencing and webinars, too. 

The biggest advantage of hosting or attending a virtual networking event is it’s relatively inexpensive because it eliminates the need to rent a physical venue. Moreover, it lets you connect with many attendees no matter where you are.

That said, it can be challenging to engage and meet people during such an event. You or some attendees might experience poor audio and video quality or feel disconnected, uninvolved, or left out. So, here are some techniques to help you meet people more effectively at upcoming virtual networking events:

Make an excellent attendee profile

Create your profile so others may find you and connect with you. Share your unique experiences and qualities and other essential information. Highlight particular skills, interests, or capabilities that could make you stand out.

Introduce yourself

A nice self-intro will help you make a good impression on others and encourage them to be comfortable with you. It also shows how confident you are in meeting new people. Say your name, share what you do, mention the company you represent, and share your contributions. Speak clearly and try to smile.

Post about it on social media

Post about the virtual networking events before and after you attends them. Use the event hashtags, too. 

Participate in discussions

Actively join discussions and the lined-up activities to make your presence known. Giving insightful comments may encourage other attendees to initiate conversations with you. You can also join breakout sessions to share your expertise and industry knowledge to establish your credibility. You should also consider using the real-time chat for side discussions that may help establish trust with the new people you meet.

Connect well

Don’t forget to ask for the contact information of other attendees you connect with during virtual networking events. It’s good practice to ask about it before pursuing your networking goals and building relationships.