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Khan Academy Jumps To 4M Uniques Per Month (Up 4X From Last Year) Oh, how I love Reddit AMA (Ask-Me-Anything) posts. In almost all cases, the inherent down-to-earth nature of a community-driven interview leads the most interesting of people to open up in genuine, honest ways that they otherwise might not in a one-on-one interview. Plus, they’re almost always jammed with all sorts of interesting facts and stats. Take this AMA with Khan Academy’s founder, Salman Khan, for example. Currently the top post on Reddit, Khan has spent the last two hours detailing everything from their recent growth and his workflow to the team’s plans for the future. Over the last month, Khan Academy saw 4 million unique users. That’s up from 1 million in the same period last year, and up from 3.5 million in October (asked by dbigthe)The Khan Academy team is currently made up of 22 people, and they’re hiring ~1 more per month.

While these are some of my favorite bits, it’s just a tiny chunk of what Khan has covered. Des Ressources en Ligne Aux Formatrices et Formateurs en Ligne, l’apprentissage en Ligne Prend Finalement son Envol | Quebec English Literacy Alliance. Le 8 septembre, nous célébrons la Journée internationale de l’alphabétisation; le QELA veut profiter de l’occasion pour faire la promotion de l’éducation permanente en présentant quelques-uns des merveilleux programmes d’alphabétisation qui sont disponibles en ligne.

Des ressources en ligne aux formatrices et formateurs en ligne, l’apprentissage en ligne prend finalement son envol, et il est plus facile que jamais pour les apprenantes et les apprenants en alphabétisation d’en bénéficier. Un brillant exemple de possibilités d’apprentissage en ligne vient de la Khan Academy, une plateforme d’éducation en ligne sans but lucratif dont l’utilisation est gratuite. Le créateur de ce programme, Salman Khan, en a eu l’idée au moment où il faisait du tutorat auprès de membres de sa famille.

Lorsque d’autres personnes lui ont demandé de les aider à apprendre, il a décidé de produire des vidéos éducatives qu’il a mises à la disposition de tous sur YouTube. Let’s use video to reinvent education: Salman Khan on TED. The Wrath Against Khan: Why Some Educators Are Questioning Khan Academy. An Explainer Post There's an article in this month's Wired Magazine about Khan Academy. The headline speaks volumes -- "How Khan Academy Is Changing the Rules of Education" -- as do the responses I've seen to the article. As usual, there's plenty of praise for Sal Khan and his one-man-educational-video-making machine. But there's also push-back from some quarters, particularly from educators who are highly skeptical of what Khan Academy delivers and what it stands for.

That dichotomy says it all, right? Educators on one side, Bill Gates on the other. And maybe that's all I need to say about why Sal Khan has become such a lightning rod within education circles. Technology Replacing Teachers If one person can create 2400 educational videos and these videos can in turn be viewed by anyone with an Internet connection then why do we need teachers? The Bill Gates Connection "Retain qualified people. " What does all of this have to do with Sal Khan? Old Wine, New Bottles, Bad Pedagogy. Khan Academy. The website features thousands of educational resources, including a personalized learning dashboard, over 100,000 exercise problems, and over 5,000 micro lectures[5] via video tutorials stored on YouTube teaching mathematics, history, healthcare, medicine, finance, physics, general chemistry, biology, astronomy, economics, cosmology, organic chemistry, American civics, art history, macroeconomics, microeconomics, and computer science.[6] All resources are available for free to anyone around the world.

Khan Academy reaches about 10,000,000 students per month and has delivered over 300,000,000 lessons.[7][8] History[edit] In late 2004, Khan began tutoring his cousin Nadia in mathematics using Yahoo! 's Doodle notepad. Khan Academy has eclipsed MIT's OpenCourseWare (OCW) in terms of videos viewed. Khan Academy also has thousands of resources translated into other languages. Khan Academy also launched a computer science module in September 2012.[21][22] Technical format[edit] Badges[edit] Khan/khan-exercises - GitHub. ‪khanacademy's Channel‬‏

About. How Khan Academy Is Changing the Rules of Education | Magazine. Matthew Carpenter, age 10, has completed 642 inverse trigonometry problems at Joe Pugliese “This,” says Matthew Carpenter, “is my favorite exercise.” I peer over his shoulder at his laptop screen to see the math problem the fifth grader is pondering. It’s an inverse trigonometric function: cos-1(1) = ? Carpenter, a serious-faced 10-year-old wearing a gray T-shirt and an impressive black digital watch, pauses for a second, fidgets, then clicks on “0 degrees.” Presto: The computer tells him that he’s correct.

The software then generates another problem, followed by another, and yet another, until he’s nailed 10 in a row in just a few minutes. All told, he’s done an insane 642 inverse trig problems. Carpenter, who attends Santa Rita Elementary, a public school in Los Altos, California, shouldn’t be doing work anywhere near this advanced. But last November, Thordarson began using Khan Academy in her class.

Khan’s videos are anything but sophisticated. 2003 AIME II Problem 10.