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Build A Container Home. "Who Else Wants Simple Step-By-Step Plans To Design And Build A Container Home From Scratch? " When it comes to building a home from a shipping container there are many things you must consider. You've probably already searched various websites for guidance however many of the other Online guides miss out several very important steps. You see, safety is a huge factor when building a container home. I mean, you're probably going to have friends and family living in your container at some point! And that's why you need to follow a guide you can trust. Professional container builder for 14 years reveals his secrets and teaches you: Hello my friend, I'm a professional builder and have been using shipping containers in many various projects over the last 14 years.

"There Are Many Benefits To Container Homes" I noticed about 5 years ago the interest in shipping container homes sky rocketed. Since my reputation is on the line, I leave no stone un-turned! Are You Ready To Get Started? P.S. P.P.S.

Survival Gear

Survival Training Courses Manitoba, Canada. Crisis Preparedness Websites. Finance. Food/ Water Supply. Seeds. Seeds - Retail. How to Dehydrate Vegetables, Instructions for Dehydrating Vegetables from the Garden. Dehydrating Vegetables from the Garden How to Dry Vegetables Instructions for Dehydrating Vegetables: Dehydrating vegetables (whether fresh from the garden, the farmer's market, or even just from the grocery store at in-season prices) for use in the off-season is one of the healthiest ways of preserving vegetables. Dehydrating vegetables preserves them with a nutritional content that far surpasses that of canned vegetables. Additionally, the process of dehydrating vegetables is often more cost-effective than freezing, as you don't use electricity in the long-term storage of your items. The process of dehydrating vegetables can be broken into a couple of simple steps: preparation, including pre-treating the vegetables (if necessary) drying or dehydrating the vegetables storing the finished dehydrated vegetables Below, you'll find a list of common vegetable types that dry well, along with easy to follow instructions.

Dehydrating or Drying Vegetables: ARTICHOKES 1. See also: 1. See also: 1. 1.


Green Housing. Solar power. Free Energy. Free-Energy Devices, zero-point energy, and water as fuel. Nikola Tesla. The Stirling Generator. I often get e-mails from folks that have just found SurvivalBlog or that have just finished a copy of my my novel "Patriots" , that they received as a gift from a relative or a friend. Their response is surprisingly uniform: People feel overwhelmed by the enormity of what it takes to get a family prepared. First, take a deep breath and relax. Just realizing that you need to get prepared has already put you ahead of 70% of your neighbors, who are sadly little more than clueless sheeple.

If you accumulate a one-month food supply then elevates your preparedness into the 80th percentile of preparedness. And by the time you work your way up to a one year supply, you'll be in the 98th percentile. It's not very difficult, its not very expensive, and its not very time-consuming. First Things First Before you begin to prepare, pray. Then consider, Survival Isn't About Stuff, It is About Skills. Read my Precepts page, to see the basics of what it means to be a modern day rational survivalist. Self Sufficiency.
