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Fillet Bug v.0.8.0009. Hi David, Could you have a look into why the Fillet component is behaving differently in the same definition. Some corners are square because the input curve is too short for the given radius. Highlight in blue. Whilst others are rounded at a smaller radius. I must say that it wouldn't be a bad option to be able to choose either of these results but having them at the same time is undesirable. Thanks. Danny PS I love the new SET Components and If you haven't already seen, the Slider=10 for integers 10.0 for decimals. Tags: Fillet, bug ▶ Reply to This. Grasshopper 0.8.0010 available for download. Grasshopper 0.8.0008 available for download. Hey everybody, a few days late but here none-the-less. Not all reported bugs have been fixed but I did not want to wait any longer.

Download the installer here. Please be aware that this release involves some changes to the Rhino SDK, so it's likely that there will be problems running 0.8.0008 under Rhino5 until the next Rhino5 WIP goes out. Changes since 0.8.0007: ● Added a Mesh|Mesh intersection component. ● Added a Mesh|Curve intersection component. ● Added a Replace List component (Sets.List dropdown) ● Added Integer Division component (Math.Operator dropdown) ● Added ToRadians component (Math.Trig dropdown) ● Added ToDegrees component (Math.Trig dropdown) ● Added Cube component (Math.Polynomials dropdown) ● Added CubeRoot component (Math.Polynomials dropdown) ● Added Round component which exposes Round, Ceiling and Floor functions (Math.Util dropdown) ● Added Negative component (Math.Operators dropdown) ● Added Absolute component (Math.Operators dropdown) Important notes: David Rutten. Custom Grasshopper Ribbon layouts. Because of this discussion, I started typing on a customizable ribbon layout for Grasshopper.

First test (it worked right away! Must be the heavy coffee smells in Arlanda Airport Starbucks... The basic idea is this: - If no custom layouts are defined, the default layout is used. - If even a single custom is defined, the default layout is discarded. - Any number of custom layouts can be active at any time. - A single layout defined a collection of Tabs, Panels and Items. - The order of Tabs can be specified, but the order of Panels and Icons is always alphabetic (just like it is now) - Items can be grouped though into Panel sub-sections, separated by the vertical fading etches. - If two layouts define the same Tab or Panel, items will be merged. - Layouts are stored in xml files and can be loaded simply by dragging them into Grasshopper.

. - Layouts can of course also be managed from the SDK, so they can be changed at any time by any code running inside the Grasshopper framework. David Rutten. New Set Components (sniffing for wishes) Hey everyone, BooleansIntegersNumbersComplex NumbersStringsPointsVectorsColoursIntervals You cannot use them on anything else (at present at least). The following examples all use Strings, but that's just to make it obvious what's happening. Basically I'm looking for ideas for other (useful) components that operate on sets. A note on Sets (read the Wikipedia article for a basic explanation). Here's a list of components which I already coded up. Create Set. Set Union. Set Difference. Set Symmetric Difference. Subset. Set Intersection.

Set Carthesian Product. Replace members. David Rutten Poprad, Slovakia. Grasshopper 0.8.0005 available for download. Hello Everybody, it's been a while, but here we are at last. The next version of Grasshopper is available for download from the usual place. Alternatively, I've uploaded an installer-less zip archive here, which you can use in case you have problems downloading or running exe files. There are several known issues that have not yet been fixed, among these are the Cluster Data Output Layout discrepancies and the lack of flatten and graft state icons on several objects such as Gradients.

Here's a list of changes since 0.8.0004, and you can see the full update history using the 'Version History' entry in the Grasshopper help menu. Additions: 1500+ Lolcats! Fixes: Fixed a problem with the popup search box not showing up sometimes.Floating parameter icons now center themselves in the space left over by the state tags.' Some general notes about the new stuff: The Group data type basically allows you to bundle together geometry during transforms. Enjoy, David David Rutten Poprad, Slovakia. Grasshopper 0.8.0007 available for download.