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5 traditional blogging 'rules' to ignore. Here's the truth: Most bloggers are being controlled.

5 traditional blogging 'rules' to ignore

Their articles, content, styles and brands are being dictated by the "rules" of traditional blogging. Here's the truth about traditional blogging: It doesn't exist. Without the creativity, self-expression, and freedom that blogging affords, blogging itself wouldn't exist. So answer these questions, please: Why do people let the "rules" of blogging rule their blog? AJE. Orange County News, Events, Restaurants, Music. How The Stop Online Piracy Act Could Impact Journalists.

Unless you’re wholly entrenched in the daily goings on of Internet and copyright law, SOPA might be one of those things you hadn’t even heard of until this morning, when sites like BoingBoing and Tumblr and GigaOm launched posts explaining and condemning it.

How The Stop Online Piracy Act Could Impact Journalists

SOPA is the Stop Online Piracy Act, a bill introduced into the House that, according to a New York Times OpEd, “would empower the attorney general to create a blacklist of sites to be blocked by Internet service providers, search engines, payment providers and advertising networks, all without a court hearing or a trial. [SOPA] goes further, allowing private companies to sue service providers for even briefly and unknowingly hosting content that infringes on copyright.”