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8 Abandoned American Theme Parks “Open” for Exploration. Amusement parks walk the fine line between fun-ish and semi-creepy. Maybe it’s the combination of sketchy rides, circus folk, questionable attractions, and way too many screaming kids, but there’s something a little unsettling about them. Add an ill-advised theme into the mix, and you’ve got a real summer-time winner. Although for most of the 20th century amusement parks were a staple of American culture, the shine is definitely off the bumper car. Tons of new parks litter the country, but many of the old classics, unable to compete with the snazzy new parks, have been shut down.

Most have been destroyed to make way for housing developments and malls, but a few still remain. Mostly forgotten and in total disrepair, these abandoned amusement parks are sometimes more interesting in their decay then they were while in operation. But be warned urban explorer! The Prehistoric Forest, Irish Hills, Michigan [All Dinosaur Images: RoadsideArchitecture via Debra Jane Seltzer] Six Flags, New Orleans. Captain Beefheart's 10 Commandments of Guitar Playing. Party Cat Comics picture | Comics pix on Ü The Art of Tattoo | At the intersection of art and tattoo. Life Calendar. Posted on December 15, 2010 by saya Nearly all the calendars we see nowadays are creative, and obviously the Life Calendar is among them too. “How was your day?” Is the first of the series, which asks the users to draw different pictures so as to record their various emotions. Even though you still need to do some work, you’ll actually find it much easier to document your life with a Life Calendar rather than with a diary.

Selling Price: 9.95Euro Buy it here. Magic on the Water, California's Blue Sky & Sea, Character Days, Memories + more - Blogs - MiceChat. Wow, what a week! Disney unveiled a new projection show at "it's a small world," unleashed a cavalcade of rare characters during its Family Fun Weekends event, opened a new exhibit at the Disney Gallery, and unveiled an updated show at Disney California Adventure's Blue Sky Cellar Preview Center all while numerous construction projects and refurbishments go on throughout the Resort!

Of all the goings-on this week, the big highlight for Disney geeks was the new exhibit at the Blue Sky Cellar, where guests can get a more in-depth look at the creation of the upcoming Little Mermaid ~ Ariel's Undersea Adventure ride as well as new sneak previews of what's-to-come in the park's new entry area, Buena Vista Street. Meanwhile, casual park-goers and fans alike were treated to meet-and-greets with rare characters at Disneyland's Family Fun Weekends. Thanks to the help of Fishbulb and Matt "2DieFR" Gottula for some extra help with photos this week! Lackadaisy Expressions. Boy, I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I started this. I've had requests for some sort of expressions tutorial dating back a while now, so I figured, "Sure! I can explain expression drawing...and it'll be way better than all those tutorials out there that are nothing but charts of generic expressions.

Yeah! Just give me a day or two to whip something up... " Um. Anyway, I found all I could really do was try to explain ways to teach yourself...and then add some pictures. Imagineering Sound Design Behind-the-Scenes - Blog - Imagineering Disney. Imagineers share the unusual work of adding sound to Disney attractions in this new video. Director Michael Coleman recently contacted us about a video he recently produced about WDI sound teams. He takes us behind-the-scenes of Walt Disney Imagineering Studios to see how ride tracks, voice recordings, sound effects, etc. are produced. See home-made contraptions designed by legendary sound designer, Jimmy MacDonald (first photo above). See how speakers are disguised with the use of painted scrims. Jimmy MacDonald is seen here crafting the sounds of a forest fire for Bambi using bamboo. Even President Obama takes part in the Imagineering process. Side note: When recording his speech for The Hall of Presidents he said, "are these like wax figures or holograms?

"... A big thanks to Michael for sharing this new film. Up next: Walt Disney Studios Post Production Behind-the-Scenes. Related posts: Inside Walt Disney ImagineeringNew Lincoln Animatronic Lookin' Good I Miss Paul Frees. Daily source of DIY craft projects and inspiration, patterns, how-tos. The Importance of Doodling | Paddy Donnelly. The act of Doodling is not given enough credit. Now, I'm not really talking about the scribbling you do while in a boring meeting.

Neither am I discussing the science behind doodles or analysing the different shapes we scribble while on the phone. If you do want that though, then here you go: Rather, what I want to talk about is the escaping from the real world/daydreaming/letting your mind run free/keeping yourself sane aspect of doodling. Switching your brain on standby from the real world is a tough but worthwhile activity that you should indulge in whenever you can. Some days it feels like all you do is this: And that's it! You need to escape and I'll tell you how. There's letting your mind float away and then there's, what could maybe be described as 'active doodling', where you make a proper effort to indulge in a quirky little project of your own. The strangest of hobbies. Want to know one of my 'active doodling' projects?

Another side benefit of something like this is inspiration. Fin. Cats not Cancer. “Things come apart so easily when they have been held together with lies. . ” ― Dorothy Allison, Bastard Out of Carolina I have been waiting to post this for many reasons. The first of which is that I wanted to make sure my intentions and reasons for doing so were genuinely productive rather than hastened by anger. I am Jack’s exhausted heart and soul. When I began blogging in 2010, days after my diagnosis of breast cancer, I was naïve.

I had never blogged before – never even thought of it. When I “outed” Nomorefearsanymore and ImperialHotel, I did so because I was so confounded that anyone would lie about something so horrible and frightening as cancer. By now, many of you know that “Sydney Harrington” is also not a real person – not a real cancer patient. In March of this year I, and others, suddenly noticed that Sydney – and most of her posse of friends - disappeared from the Internet. Why am I breaking a year-long silence now? But on the Internet, cancer can be what you want it to be. Vixen Vintage. From the Archive: Wack Attack | Bitch Magazine. Giving the Digital Finger to Blog Bandits We were under attack. It was late on an August night. I was trying not to come down with a cold and just about to go to bed.

But I was also guest-blogging at Feministe that week, so I logged on to check my e-mail and moderate comments one last time before I turned in. I was already overwhelmed. Then I got word that a loosely organized cybermob known as Anonymous was attempting to crash feminist sites, including Feministe, flooding comments sections with misogynist rants and threatening feminist bloggers with rape and other violence. It turned out that we were wrong. A little background I lacked at the time: Anonymous was not formed to carry out an antifeminist agenda. When they turned their attention to feminist websites, their goal was not, in fact, to silence us. Even as the attacks were happening, there was much debate within the feminist blogosphere about how to respond to them. Heart, this is horrible.

So what's a web-savvy woman to do? 1. Blog | Parasol Co.