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Baubo. Baubo (Greek: Βαυβώ) is an old woman in Greek mythology who jested with Demeter, when Demeter was mourning the loss of her daughter, Persephone.


Scholarly discussion[edit] In his Greek Myths (1996), Robert Graves writes that Demeter (in disguise) was the guest of King Celeus in Eleusis. Iambe, the lame maid of the king: ... tried to console Demeter with comically lascivious verses, and a dry nurse, old Baubo, persuaded her to drink barley-water by a jest: she groaned as if in great travail and, unexpectedly, produced from beneath her skirt Demeter's own son Iacchus, who leapt into his mother's arms and kissed her.[1] Graves writes: A face-in-body Baubo figurine.

The following excerpt is taken from Clement of Alexandria's Exhortation to the Greeks, from a 1919 English translation: Baubo, having received Demeter as a guest, offers her a draught of wine and meal. Baubo figurines[edit] Figurines known as Baubos are found in a number of settings, usually with Greek connections. See also[edit] Dr. Baubo, goddess of laughter © Anita Ryan-Revel 2000. has been owned and operated by Australian author and life coach, Anita Revel, since 1999. Anita is making a new home at and is making available for sale. Consistently number one Google ranking In the 15 years since establishing the site as the number one go-to site for women's spirituality and empowerment, this domain has consistently held the number one Google ranking for the search term "goddess".

It even ranks higher than Wikipedia! Over 10,000 Unique Visitors monthly The following charts show 2005 visitors growing from just over 3000 unique visitors per month in January, to over 12,000 unique visitors by the end of the year. This second chart is from 2012 – at the time when Anita started moving over to iGoddess.itscom and stripping of content. 14 Years of History has been online since 1999. It's a Grade A Domain Included in the Sale Package: Enquire Today To enquire about purchasing this domain, contact Anita Revel:

Baubo, Greek Goddess (the first sacred fool, a goddess of bawdy humor) The goddess Baubo: Who is this mystery woman?

Baubo, Greek Goddess (the first sacred fool, a goddess of bawdy humor)

She is Baubo, a fun-loving, bawdy, jesting, sexually liberated—yet very wise—goddess who plays a crucial, healing role in the Eleusian mysteries of ancient Greece. She remains a much-honored figure today among many women—celebrated as a positive force of female sexuality and the healing power of laughter. CLEMENT, EXHORTATION TO THE GREEKS 1 - 2. CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA was an early Greek Christian writer and presbyter who flourished in Alexandria in the late C2nd AD.


He was the author of several religious essays including the Exhortation to the Greeks (or Exhortation against the Pagans), which is essentially a diatribe against the pagan religion and call for Christian conversion. The work, despite its religous bias, contains a wealth of information on ancient pagan cults, in particular the mysteries, as well as Greek myth. The Loeb volume is still in print and available new at (click on image right for details). In addition to the translation of Exhortation to the Greeks, the book contains the book contains Clement´s The Rich Man´s Salvation and To the Newly Baptised, the source Greek texts, Butterworth´s introduction and footnotes, and an index of proper names. NOTE: Only books 2 - 5 of the Exhortations, which describe Greek paganism, are presented here in their entirety. BOOK I [abridged] BOOK II [complete] Baubo.jpg (912×832) Society for Sacred Sexuality - Sacred Sex Art Archive. Sexual Art of Ancient Greece —Baubo In Greek lore, Baubo was a servant woman who exposed herself to Demeter in order to cheer up the goddess after her daughter Persephone was abducted by Hades to the underworld.

As peculiar as this episode may sound, the Baubo persona is strikingly common in the ancient world. Many cultures had kindred goddesses who, by exposing their genitals, gave either protection, blessings, or both to the people. The ideal behind this harkens back to the earliest days of Goddess worship on earth, when early humans saw the feminine mysteries of fertility and childbirth as closely tied to fertility and sustenance of the land. Manifestations of the Goddess were thus seen as great harbingers and omens. Some items courtesy of: The last item is a modern interpretation, © German sculptor Horst Delkus at: may be available for purchase — visit the link above) The Woman's Belly Book. Vaginas in Mythology, Art, and History by Kirsten Anderberg. This book examines the relationship between vulvas (women's genitals) and society, history, health, art, religion, politics and more. Vulvic imagery of goddesses Sheela-na-gig and Baubo, in addition to alternative vulvic products such as necklaces, purses and pillows shaped like vulvas, are discussed in relation to women's self esteem.

Women's spirituality, religion and gender, herbal remedies for vulvas, midwifery, the "sanitary protection" industry, the psychology of gender, women's mental health and esteem as related to vulvas are all discussed. Especially healing for women with body esteem and genital shame issues. Order an autographed copy of this book for $3 less than the Amazon list price (without an autograph) using PayPal $11.99 plus $3 shipping (U.S. addresses only) Please allow up to 2 weeks for delivery.

Also available as an ebook via Amazon. About the Author: Kirsten Anderberg received her B.A. (Make sure to visit our Vulva Museum, at .) Kirsten Anderberg. Return to Home Page. Baubo Roars.