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Coda. PrettyPhoto 3.0: Beta | Stéphane Caron. Latests Plugins INK is a new way to own your content. It’s a well known fact, the content you produce can be shared all around the web and in a very large number of ways. One of the most common ways is to simply copy the content and paste it wherever we want it to be shared. […] Read more » prettyLoader is a small (less than 4kb uncompressed) jQuery plugin that aim at making your life easier regarding ajax loader display. Read more » prettySociable is a jQuery plugin that tries to make sharing fun while being easy to use. jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts. Web-kreation - Sliding login/Signup panel using MooSlide (Mootools 1.2)

In my latest articles Show/hide a nice Login Panel using Mootools 1.2 and Add a show/hide login panel to your WordPress theme using Mootools, I explained how to add a nice sliding login form to your site (using Mootools 1.2). Colin complained that the login panel was pushing the content down and asked if it would be possible to display it above all page elements.

I replied that it would be possible to do so with MooSlide which uses Mootools 1.2. (Thanks to Frank from ArtViper for this excellent script). This will be the topic of our tutorial today. The end result: Clicking a link will slide-in a login/register form in the middle of the page with a nice bouncing effect. Preview / Download Grab a copy of this tutorial. Note: For this tutorial, I have slightly modified the original javascript file (mooSlide2-moo12.js) so the login and signup panel can slide in the middle of the page. Step 1: Creating the HTML structure <div id="loginPanel" class="mooSlide">... Step2: Styling our login form. 37 More Shocking jQuery Plugins. Apr 09 2008 It’s really amazing to see what one can create using jQuery. Developers just don’t stop making incredibly interactive web applications every now and then.

This post just demonstrates excellent examples of some of the best jQuery plugins out there. You can also take a look at the other jQuery Plugins in this series : So let’s get started and don’t forget to subscribe to our RSS-Feed to keep track on our next post. jQuery Sliders 1) Slider Gallery- A similar effect used to showcase the products on the Apple web site. Live Demo: Here 2) Accessible slider- Illustrations and code samples showing how to make a slider UI control accessible to those who aren’t running JavaScript or CSS. Live Demo: Here jQuery Manipulating Images 3) crop, labelOver and pluck-Crop-Gives your visitors the power to crop any image on the fly using JavaScript only.

Live Demo Of Crop: HereLive Demo of LabelOver: Here Live Demo Of Crop: Here Live Demo: Here jQuery Navigation Menus jQuery Accordions jQuery Image Viewer. 45+ New jQuery Techniques For Good User Experience | Developer&#039;s ... Marius Roosendaal - Personal Portfolio.