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Turbine seu site com efeitos web 2.0. Coda Popup Bubbles. In particular, Jorge Mesa writes to ask how to re-create their ‘puff’ popup bubble shown when you mouse over the download image.

Coda Popup Bubbles

In essence the effect is just a simple combination of effect, but there’s a few nuances to be wary of. How to Solve the Problem To create the puff popup bubble effect, we need the following: Markup that assumes that JavaScript is disabled. It would be fair to say that the popup would be hidden from the CSS.The hidden popup, correctly styled for when we make it appear.jQuery to animate the puff effect on mouseover and mouseout. Coda Slider Effect. How to Solve the Problem Recreating this effect is simple to do if you know what plugins to use.

Coda Slider Effect

There are plugins out in the wild already, but we want our jQuery to satisfy the following requirements: