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Coca. Natureza. Wolff Olins. Aol. Generation. Next. Malpractice in blogging isn’t telling lies or being inflammatory or defamatory.

Aol. Generation. Next.

It’s being late. Some blog, somewhere will be there first and drag your late traffic away. It’s not every day that Gawker, the Huffington Post, the New York Times, and Fast Company, among other mainstream news sources cover an identity redesign before we do but such was the case with yesterday’s news of the new identity for AOL designed by every designer’s favorite hate piñata, Wolff Olins.

For what it’s worth, I was up at my usual 5:30 am yesterday with this news in my lap and I decided against putting it up immediately, patiently waiting for some additional material solely distributed to our loyal readers. The gamble didn’t quite pay off, at least not yet; I might have something new later in the day, but I know you are all very much ready for this.