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Tech Tats: Tattoos that can track your health data. Flexible, Stretchable, Implantable LEDs Could Show Us Why We Feel Pain. Chronic pain is often tough to understand, much less treat.

Flexible, Stretchable, Implantable LEDs Could Show Us Why We Feel Pain

But a new flexible, implantable electronic device could illuminate why certain parts of your body hurt. Man fitted with robotic hand wired directly into his brain can 'feel' again. A new advanced robotic hand that is wired directly into the brain has been successfully tested, allowing paralysed man to “feel”.

Man fitted with robotic hand wired directly into his brain can 'feel' again

The hand, developed by the Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins university, is part of a research project into advanced replacement limbs funded by the US military’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa). The 28-year-old man, who has been paralysed for more than a decade after a spinal-cord injury, had electrodes from the prosthetic hand inserted into his sensory and motor cortexes. This allowed him to both control the hand with thought and sense when the fingers of the hand were touched individually. How will technology enhance our bodies by 2025? This article was first published in the November 2015 issue of WIRED magazine.

How will technology enhance our bodies by 2025?

Fastcoexist. Transnatural Art & Design - Balancing Nature & Technology - PLAYING LIFE. Assistive-technology-to-aid-the-disabled-1.1948995# Cape Town - Older people are more vulnerable to becoming disabled.


This is according to the faculty of medicine and health sciences at the University of Stellenbosch. The medical faculty issued the statement while the country is observing its national disability awareness month, which ends on December 3. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), more than a billion people in the world – 15 percent of the global population – have a disability severe enough to limit their participation in family, community and socio-economic life. Eighty percent of those billion people live in low- and middle-income countries, where access to basic health and social services was often limited. The 21st century would see populations that live longer and thus need to remain independent, healthy and productive. Virtual Reality Device Allows Users to Wander the Forest through the Eyes of an Animal.

‘In the Eyes of an Animal’ is the newest brainchild from the London-based design studio Marshmallow Laser Feast, allowing you to take a fascinating journey through the forest with the eyes of an animal.

Virtual Reality Device Allows Users to Wander the Forest through the Eyes of an Animal

Japanese tech company wants to build underwater city. Back in September, the Obayashi Corporation announced it was working on a project to build a 96,000km-long elevator into space.

Japanese tech company wants to build underwater city

Now another Japanese tech company has entered the race for the most outlandish construction project ever with plans to build an undersea city. Click grows food with gadgets on its smart allotment. There's silicon in the soil and bytes in the bees - the Click team is on a mission to tech up its own plot of land.

Click grows food with gadgets on its smart allotment

It's an overcast morning in March and the Click team are standing in a muddy allotment in London looking unhappy. Someone points out a gnome guarding a neighbouring patch, almost with a hint of jealousy. Bionic roses implanted with electronic circuits. Eliot Gomez/Linköping University.

Bionic roses implanted with electronic circuits

Roses have been infiltrated with conductive polymers in their leaves or stems. Every rose has its thorn – but roses grown in a Swedish lab have transistors and electrodes too. Researchers at Linköping University have created bionic roses by incorporating plant-compatible electronic materials into them. One of their modified roses has simple digital circuits running through its stem: another’s leaf changes colour when a voltage is applied. The scientists want to make tools for biologists to record or regulate plant physiology — the plant equivalent of medical implants such as pacemakers.

Movie Review: Lucy, a Thrilling Science Misinterpretation  As a rocket scientist and mathematician, my friends and university students continuously ask me about my thoughts on the science in today's blockbuster movies.

Movie Review: Lucy, a Thrilling Science Misinterpretation 

They question if certain concepts are accurate, and if particular scenarios can actually happen. Normally, I have a short one or two sentence answer, which immediately quenches their curiosity. However, recently I watched the Universal Pictures movie Lucy, written and directed by Luc Besson, starring Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman. Fastcodesign. Inside the temperature-controlled accessories department of London retailer Selfridges, the back leather bags in The Unseen's Air collection don't look much different than any of the other designer handbags on display.


It's not until one is purchased and worn out in the moist London air that it begins to show its true colors: iridescent greens, yellows, reds, and blues that emerge and disappear based on changes in the atmosphere. This chameleonic quality is thanks to color-changing inks imbedded in each of the accessories in the experimental fashion studio's inaugural collection. Specially developed by The Unseen's founder Lauren Bowker, the inks are composed of a series of chemical compounds that respond to environmental conditions like heat, pollution, air pressure, and moisture.

Each atmospheric condition is matched with a color—yellow for carbon dioxide, red for heat, blue for moisture, green for wind pressure, etc. Knock Out Cancer With an Interactive Punching Bag. The Interactive Punching Bag helps you knock cancer cells out of the ring and raise funds in the process In life, we are told to pick our battles. But when the fight is about cancer, it’s a battle you can’t resist being a part of.

Thijs Biersteker, a Dutch designer brings the fight to the ring with the Interactive Punching Bag to help Fight Cancer, a fundraiser hosting group, to raise research funds for the Dutch Cancer Society. When it comes to fighting cancer, it is easy to band people with a common cause—taking down cancer once and for all. The Japanese robot to keep you company. This Baby Wearable Tracks Verbal Engagement. Starling allows parents to track their child's verbal engagement. Seed : CES 2015: New device demonstrates current Thync-ing on brain health. News : Thync, the app that uses neurosignalling to control mood.

Intelligent Machines: AI art is taking on the experts. The computer that knows what you're thinking. Fastcodesign. DARPA's New Exoskeleton Protects Soldiers From Their Own Too-Heavy Gear. This Swimming Robot Digests Pollution And Turns It Into Electricity. This is the Row-Bot, a robot that walks on water, and gets its energy by eating the microbes in dirty ponds and "digesting" them in its artificial stomach. Using this method, it generates more than enough power to propel itself on the hunt for more bacteria to feed its nature-inspired engine. The bot, inspired by the water boatman bug, comes from a team at Bristol University in the UK, and it consists of two main parts. Fastcoexist. Fastcoexist. Fastcoexist.

Nearly half of us can imagine falling in love with Siri. This exhibition explores how tech has changed fashion. How avatars will change your life. Scientists develop artificial skin that can feel sensation. While artificial limbs are unbelievable feats of science and engineering, developers have so far struggled to create skin that can sense touch – meaning that amputees are left without a vital sense.

Ten ways nanotechnology is changing the world. The new tech allowing blind people to ‘see’ art. "Biohackers" Insert LEDs Into Their Hands. Urban Cultivator. The Latest Innovation In Child Prosthetics Showcases Super Heroes And Disney Characters. 3RDi is the headband that records everything you do. Remember Google Glass? How a chip placed in your brain can control a robotic arm. Welcome to BrainGate. Post/Biotics: You could help find the next generation of antibiotics with this DIY kit.

Google Aims a $50 Million Moonshot at Curing Heart Disease. Cardiovascular disease kills more people on Earth than anything else—over 17 million a year, and the number keeps going up. Of those deaths, more than 40 percent is due to coronary heart disease. Disney Smartwatch Can Tell What You’re Holding. Your Next Mailman Might Be A Delivery Robot. Digital Piggy Bank Teaches Kids How to Manage Money. A Charger Rental Service Comes to Your Phone's Rescue. New Technology Allows Users to Feel Impact in VR. The Swipe Team Looks At Unmanned Military Technology.

Fast Broadband To Become A Legal Right For All. News : Real deal. This mesmerizing photo series cleverly shows just how much we get sucked in to technology. Nano-scale 'fingerprint' could boost security. Xbox One update adds old game support. The U.K. Will Spend $6 Million on Drones to Create the First 'Self-Repairing City'

Workout Shirt Has Vents That Open Automatically When You Sweat. Rebekah Marine Modeling - Model to Walk Fashion Week With Bionic Arm. iPhone 6s app taps into latest functionality to weigh fruit. This is what will happen when robots take over the world. How smart luggage could transform air travel. The robot revolution and other great transformations in the nature of work. Life with robots: 'What people enjoy most is avoiding social interaction' Robots threaten 15m UK jobs, says Bank of England's chief economist. Thinking machines: the skilled jobs that could be taken over by robots. From driverless cars to jetpacks: meet the tech innovators reshaping transit.

Phones need 'bed mode' to protect sleep. Huawei reveals quick-charge battery. Fashion Items Meet Contactless Payments.