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The Time A Newspaper Stared Down The Country's Largest Advertiser. Editor's Note: The news last week that Buzzfeed had deleted posts critical of advertisers got some of us at ProPublica wondering about any instances when news organizations stood up to advertiser pressure.

The Time A Newspaper Stared Down The Country's Largest Advertiser

How far can you trust citizen journalism on the internet? Photo: Joel Saget/AFP/Getty Images “Mosul church survived 1,800 years but couldn't survive Isis ­– burned it as Christians expelled,” tweeted the head of Human Rights Watch, ­Kenneth Roth, sharing a now-deleted photo of a church in flames – purportedly in Iraq.

How far can you trust citizen journalism on the internet?

The image had come from a seemingly reputable news source, and, with Islamic State’s assaults on Christians well known, it seemed legitimate – but there was more to it than a quick glance in a Twitter timeline would show. Internet sleuths quickly debunked it by doing a simple Google “reverse image search” – a tool that enables users to see if the same image has been used anywhere on the web before. The Time A Newspaper Stared Down The Country's Largest Advertiser. Hey WSJ – Content Marketing Is NOT Native Advertising. Strong from the Start - Leads and Nut Grafs. Readers give you just a few seconds to capture their interest before their eye moves on to the next story or photo.

Strong from the Start - Leads and Nut Grafs

You need a crisp lead and a strong focus to keep the reader going. Keep a Sharp Focus To write a strong lead, you need to identify and understand the focus of your story. Despite claims of transparency, Gov. Hassan refuses to release proposals to make state government more efficient. Gov.

Despite claims of transparency, Gov. Hassan refuses to release proposals to make state government more efficient

Maggie Hassan says she’s all about government efficiency and transparency. But when it comes to efficiency in government spending, she’s hardly transparent. Pulling together the state’s two-year, $10 billion budget – which affects virtually every person in New Hampshire – is shaping up to be the big challenge of her second term. Already Hassan has required state department heads to submit proposals detailing how their agencies can be more efficient and effective in the coming years because there’s hardly enough money to go around and people haven’t fully recovered from the recession. Four Lessons From The Media's Conflicted Coverage of Race : Code Switch. Rev.

Four Lessons From The Media's Conflicted Coverage of Race : Code Switch

Al Sharpton (far right) interviews, from right to left, Eric Garner's widow Esaw Garner, his mother Gwen Carr, and their attorney Jonathan Moore on MSNBC's PoliticsNation. AP/MSNBC hide caption itoggle caption AP/MSNBC. How Three Decades of News Coverage Has Shaped Our View of the World. Mapping millions of news events makes one thing clear: Some countries are getting a whole lot more press attention than others.

How Three Decades of News Coverage Has Shaped Our View of the World

ABC’s Bet on David Muir of ‘World News Tonight’ Photo As a 12-year-old nightly news addict in Syracuse, David Muir wrote a letter to the lead anchor of the local CBS affiliate, Ron Curtis, asking him how to become a TV reporter.

ABC’s Bet on David Muir of ‘World News Tonight’

The young Mr. Muir checked the mailbox every day until he finally received a typewritten response from the anchorman. He can still recite the last three lines (without help from a teleprompter): “Competition in television news is keen. There is always room for the right person. Unreality TV « News is inherently viral.

Unreality TV «

It is information that is meant to be spread. The epoch of Upworthy can make it hard to remember this, but the virality of the news predates the Internet — Paul Revere was both America’s first newscaster and its first retweet request. What the Internet has done is simply decentralize control of the virus. Walter Cronkite and the midcentury New York Times — gray, grave, and removed — have given way to hashtag journalism, Instagram, and most-emailed lists.

It has shown us things the old news might have kept hidden: Michael Brown’s body is archived on YouTube. I thought about this over the past week while watching the horror in Ferguson unfold on Twitter and on TV.


Framing. 'Grey's Anatomy' Star Jesse Williams Schools CNN On Michael Brown Case. If You Ever Thought The U.S. Was A Land Of Equality, Take A Look At These Two Screenshots. Russian Government Reportedly Edited Wikipedia Entry About MH17. An Internet user within the Russian government reportedly revised a Wikipedia entry about Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, which was shot down over eastern Ukraine Thursday.

Russian Government Reportedly Edited Wikipedia Entry About MH17

The changes were spotted by a Twitter bot that monitors Wikipedia edits from Russian government IP addresses. The anonymous user revised one sentence in a Russian-language page that lists "aircraft accidents in civil aviation," according to a Google translation of the tweet by @RuGovEdits. New Media Sites in Iran Blur Lines Between Citizen Journo, Professional Journo, & Activist. A screenshot of the amateur video capturing Neda Agha-Soltan's death.

New Media Sites in Iran Blur Lines Between Citizen Journo, Professional Journo, & Activist

The video won a prestigious Polk award. In 2010, Newsweek declared Iran the “birthplace of citizen journalism.” Our Story About What the Media Said About What Karl Rove Said About Hillary Clinton’s Health. Thirty days in the hospital. And when she reappears, she’s wearing glasses that are only for people who have traumatic brain injury? We need to know what’s up with that. That’s what Karl Rove, the Republican strategist and pundit, said about Hillary Clinton, at least according to a report a little more than a week ago by the New York Post. The reported remarks prompted outrage from Clinton’s spokespersons and Clinton’s husband and newspaper editorial pages and several of Rove’s fellow Republicans.

What the Fox Knows. FiveThirtyEight is a data journalism organization. Let me explain what we mean by that, and why we think the intersection of data and journalism is so important. If you’re a casual reader of FiveThirtyEight, you may associate us with election forecasting, and in particular with the 2012 presidential election, when our election model “called” 50 out of 50 states right. Certainly we had a good night. But this was and remains a tremendously overrated accomplishment. Other forecasters, using broadly similar methods, performed just as well or nearly as well, correctly predicting the outcome in 48 or 49 or 50 states. Instead, our forecasts stood out in comparison to others in the mainstream media. Four-Year-Old Boy Walking Through the Desert to Escape Syria. Katie Couric's Move to Yahoo: Desperation or Inspiration?

After cycling through all the major networks, except Fox, Katie Couric announced this week she would become the global anchor at Yahoo News. After the surprise wore off, the primary question was: Is this a bold claim on the future or a desperate gamble based on a discredited business model? It appears to be a marriage of convenience. For Couric, 56, who famously tried to resurrect the CBS Evening News, Yahoo is a chance to embrace a new medium. Couric told Capital New York that she won't try to reproduce a half-hour news show online, but instead will use the opportunity to experiment: "What I really am excited about in working with the team at Yahoo is that there are no rules right now, we are going to try things, we are going to see how they go, we are going to see what people are interested in, we can do everything from a town hall meeting to in-depth interviews to a breaking news story.

" It’s Not Just Political Districts. Our News Is Gerrymandered, Too. Is not available. Mike Ananny Talks Networked Journalism, Technology and Toy Design. Journalism has become unstuck in time. Listen: Billy Pilgrim has become unstuck in time. —Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse Five For this month’s issue of the Columbia Journalism Review, Jay Rosen has written the kind of incisive, wonderful essay that demands a response. Andrew Fitzgerald: Adventures in Twitter fiction. When Our News Is Gerrymandered, Too. Shutdown coverage fails Americans. U.S. news reports are largely blaming the government shutdown on the inability of both political parties to come to terms.

Kimmel Twerking Prank Shows Inanity of TV News. Jimmy Kimmel revealed last night that his show was behind the twerking-girl-catches-fire video that recently went viral, and he capped his segment with a montage of all the news and talk shows that had aired and discussed the video. Here, in this one hyperconcentrated minute of tape, can be found just about everything wrong with TV news today. Bill Moyers Journal: Buying the War. Writing and reporting advice from 4 of The Washington Post’s best.

Journalism 101: When Getting it First Trumps Getting it Right. The State of the News Media 2013. In 2012, a continued erosion of news reporting resources converged with growing opportunities for those in politics, government agencies, companies and others to take their messages directly to the public. Signs of the shrinking reporting power are documented throughout this year’s report. Alisa Miller shares the news about the news. Raising Cain: When Is a Scoop Ready to be Published? The Echo Chamber Revisited. The Echo Chamber Revisited Transcript.

‘Balanced’ News Reports May Only Inflame. IT is well known that when like-minded people get together, they tend to end up thinking a more extreme version of what they thought before they started to talk. The same kind of echo-chamber effect can happen as people get news from various media. Liberals viewing MSNBC or reading left-of-center blogs may well end up embracing liberal talking points even more firmly; conservative fans of Fox News may well react in similar fashion on the right. Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles". How do you tell when the news is biased? It depends on how you see yourself.

All the President's Men

New York Times Bans Quote Approval. Joining the Harvard Crimson and National Journal, the New York Times has enacted a new policy banning reporters from allowing sources to edit quotes after the fact in exchange for interview access. ESPN, Sawatsky and the art of interviewing - Poynter Review Project Blog Blog. Role of Online/Social Media in News. Future of Print Media. News Articles. Feature Stories. Op-Eds. News Writing.