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How To Merge FileMaker Files – FileMaker Inspirations. You may already know that merging FileMaker Pro database files can be a tedious and challenging process.

How To Merge FileMaker Files – FileMaker Inspirations

After copying, you could spend hours fixing broken links, missing fields, remapping buttons, etc. For this reason, many people simply choose to maintain multiple files even when that may not be the ideal or preferred setup. With the method outlined below, you can merge databases with a minimal amount of broken links. There may still be some tedious grunt work to do, but by following these steps in the order given, you can significantly reduce the time and tedious tasks involved. Import Log Interpreter for FileMaker Pro – Inspirations Software Design LLC. The Import Log Interpreter is a FileMaker Pro-based Import.log file reader.

Import Log Interpreter for FileMaker Pro – Inspirations Software Design LLC

Any time you copy or import scripts, tables, fields or functions from one FileMaker Pro file to another, this tool will use the import.log file that FileMaker Pro creates to show you exactly what was imported and what notices or errors were produced in the import process in an easy to understand presentation. Click the screenshot below to see a demonstration video. Note: Import Log Interpreter currently only supports English language log files. If you are interested in assisting with translations to receive a free copy of Import Log Interpreter supporting your language, please contact us. Here’s what you get…