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The Cable Guy: Connecting to Wireless Networks with Windows 7. There are a number of ways to hook up to wireless networks with Windows 7 – each has its own set of pros and cons.

The Cable Guy: Connecting to Wireless Networks with Windows 7

These days, the wireless world is everywhere. Being able to connect to a network and the web from wherever you are is almost essential. Windows 7 provides a simplified user experience for IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN networks. Using Windows 7, you can use the following methods to connect to and configure connections to wireless networks, known as wireless profiles: The following sections describe in detail how to connect to a wireless network using the Network notification area icon and the Set up a connection or network dialog box in Windows 7, how to manage your wireless networks, and how to connect to non-broadcasting wireless networks. How To Manage A Wireless WiFi Network from the Command Line in Windows 7.