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Why there is no Lean Manifesto. FEATURE – Why doesn't lean have a manifesto?

Why there is no Lean Manifesto

The authors highlight the core principles and values of lean thinking, but warn these can only go so far without the learning that comes from working every day towards solving the next problem. Words: Dimitri Baeli, Chief Technology Officer at, and Michael Ballé, author, executive coach and co-founder of Institut Lean France. Scrum Community. Ever since Scrum/Agile became the popular new delivery method, there has been an ongoing debate as to why one should estimate in story points and not in hours, as we have been used to doing traditionally.

Scrum Community

There have been multiple discussions about how estimating in hours is easy and familiar, so why introduce a new way to estimate? While it is correct thinking that the actual tasks are estimated in hours, this does not enable teams to plan the releases and sprints as well as story points and team velocity do. Untitled. "Well they just don't understand the values of #Agile..." Yeah, because companies are selling this.

Building an integrated Agile/DevOps Maturity Model showing how to progress – cloudsourceblog. Having focused on the DevOps subject for some time now, I’ve been looking at how to characterize the maturity of enterprises in the DevOps space.

Building an integrated Agile/DevOps Maturity Model showing how to progress – cloudsourceblog

And I found some quite interesting elements. Typical DevOps maturity models focus on the automation and technology, while separate agile models focus on culture and processes. Interesting. Inclusive Collaboration and the Silence Experiment. With highly collaborative approaches quickly becoming the norm in the software industry, perhaps it is time to re-consider our definition of collaboration and provide workplaces and practices that embraces all kinds of thinkers.

Inclusive Collaboration and the Silence Experiment

This article introduces Inclusive Collaboration and describes the Silence Experiment - the first in a set of experiments to help teams consider some of the different aspects of collaboration and how to begin to work more effectively with all types of minds. Introduction. Better Backlog Prioritization.pdf1340389355. 8 Best Practices to Start a Scrum Project. Currently I’m writing a series of blog posts about the retrospective I facilitated during Scrum Day Europe.

8 Best Practices to Start a Scrum Project

I’ll describe the strength of Scrum, experienced frustrations, small improvements and also what should be the focus the upcoming years. For the latter the participants suggested Scrum should focus on creating value-driven organizations. While doing some research on this idea I stumbled upon an old blog post I wrote two years ago: ‘6 Best Practices to Kick Start Your Scrum Team‘.

The idea was to copy a small part of this article but I ended up rewriting the entire blog post. The result is what you’re currently reading. Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation. In search of one piece flow. (part 2 in the series including 1, 2, 3, 4)

In search of one piece flow

Manage Flow: In search of flow efficiency w. @chrisvmcd #Lean. Benjamin Mitchell - Using the Mutual Learning Model to achieve Double Loop Learning. The resource utilization trap. CEO Fabiola Eyholzer Says Lean-Agile HR are Key to Enterprise Agility - at SAFe Summit 2016 - SolutionsIQ. “HR is the key to bringing Agility to an enterprise level.

CEO Fabiola Eyholzer Says Lean-Agile HR are Key to Enterprise Agility - at SAFe Summit 2016 - SolutionsIQ

If we don’t fix our HR approach, we cannot a truly Agile organization.” That’s what Fabiola Eyholzer, CEO of Just Leading Solutions, shares with Agile Amped at the SAFe Summit 2016. What are you reaching for? or, why the agile manifesto won't get rewritten. Building the minimum Badass User. Stop what you are doing and watch this is you are involved in making software.

Building the minimum Badass User

Most people have been doing it all wrong. How to save the princess in 8 programming languages. How to Break Your Worst Work Habits. A habit, wrote B.R.

How to Break Your Worst Work Habits

Read The Little Guide to Empathetic Technical Leadership. Leadership A leader is best when people barely know they exist.When the work is done, the aim fulfilled,they will say: we did it ourselves.

Read The Little Guide to Empathetic Technical Leadership

—Lao Tzu When I think of leadership in relation to self-organized teams, other ideas come up as well. : Purposes, Concepts, Misfits, and a Redesign of Git. Purposes, Concepts, Misfits, and a Redesign of Git Posted Sep 30, 2016 by Greg Wilson | Programming Tools | Software Design | The Sprint Review as a Sign-Off Meeting. Some teams use the sprint review as a time for product owners or key stakeholders to formally approve the product backlog items completed during the sprint. Is this a good idea? In general, a sprint review should not be used by a team to get formal sign-off on their work from their product owner. The team and product owner should be working so closely during a sprint that the team knows what the product owner thinks of what they’ve built. Asymmetry between the major parties fries the circuits of the mainstream press. Sep.25 And five other ideas I use to interpret campaign coverage this year.

Fantastic conversations with Lean Educators community on how agile & lean together can complement & balance a team. Non-functional Requirements as User Stories. A common challenge with writing user stories is how to handle a product's non-functional requirements. Patterns of Kanban Maturity. Posted on March 30, 2016 by David Anderson. What Is a Product? If you work on a Scrum team, you undoubtedly know you should have a product backlog and product owner.