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How to Track Paid Traffic from Different Ad Networks in Google Analytics : Unbounce Answers. 20 KPIs you should monitor in Google Analytics. Posted bydimitriszotoson to Marketing A Key Performance Indicator or KPI refers to a set of measurements reflecting the performance or success of an organization in terms of progress of its goals. In this article we present the most important website KPIs from online marketing perspective and we discuss how to monitor them in Google Analytics. Most online marketing professionals, SEO engineers and webmasters have in their daily routine the monitoring, reporting and data analyzing tasks followed by decision making regarding the optimization of the performance of their websites. Within web metrics, charts and pivots lots of information can be found unveiling new ways to optimize their strategy. Nevertheless all these numbers, metrics and statistics can be confusing. Which ratios should be taken into account during the above analysis?

Website Goals & KPIs Setting specific and measurable goals is a vital stage before defining Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). KPIs are: Visibility KPIs. Google Analytics Revolutionizes Advanced Segments. What you can achieve with Google Analytics Content Experiments (and other multivariate testing software) If you’re serious about online profits, you need to be carrying out split tests on your webpages. The results from split testing can be amazing; increases in revenue of over 100% are not uncommon. What is a split test? In a simple split test, different visitors see different versions of one of your pages. For example, some visitors may see the existing version of a page, whereas others see a new version. Split-testing software “keeps score” of which version generates the most conversions. Once you have enough data, the software announces which page was the winner. The test described above would be called an A/B test, because two page versions were tested, Version A and Version B.

What is multivariate testing? Depending on how frequently you get conversions, it can take weeks or months—or longer—to collect enough data to declare a winner. If you haven’t heard of multivariate testing, maybe you know it by another name, such as Recommended resources What now? So, how can we help you?

Event Tracking 101 For Google Analytics. Six Web Metrics / KPI's To Die For. Produce Actionable Insights: Mate Custom Reports With Adv Segments! Ultimate Data Visualization Guide for SEO. In an ideal world of analytics there will be no tables and mountain of text, just charts and graphs through which you can visualize patterns and trends in data and take decisions which are beneficial both for your company and clients.

This post is an attempt to get one step closer to achieve this ultimate dream. It is a no brainer that data visualization can easily highlight the most complex problem to you and can easily explain technical issues to a non-technical audience (like your clients) in an effective manner. So I think there is no need to reinforce its importance and advantages and we can all jump together straight into the wonderful world of Data visualization. Following are the fields of SEO where we need to visualize data the most: 1. Competitive Analysis Visualizing the social media strength of your top SEO competitors It is always good to know the role social media is playing in the rankings of your competitors.

Click here to download these charts. Back Links Analysis. Web Analytics 101: Definitions: Goals, Metrics, KPIs, Dimensions, Targets.