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Wolfram|Alpha: Computational Knowledge Engine. Developer's Library Series. JavaScript Reference examples. 74 Quality Ruby on Rails Resources and Tutorials. Learning Rails from scratch can be a pain. But don't fret, this guide provides the best Rails resources the Web has to offer. Ruby on Rails is quickly becoming one of the most popular modern programming language framework combinations. Specifically, Ruby is a programming language that has been around for a few years and Rails is a framework for Ruby that is a bit newer and is just about the hottest thing in application and web development right now.

Rails' seamless integration into web servers and databases and its elegant framework make it the ideal candidate for every programmer wishing to develop the latest and greatest web application. Related Articles: Fortunately for you, we've compiled a list of the best Rails resources the Web has to offer. Installation Sometimes, the most time consuming part of learning a new programming language is simply installing a working version of the software. Manual Installation Ruby – First you need to download Ruby.

Tutorials Beginner Tutorials Try Ruby! Free Ruby Tutorials and Online Books. Developer's Library Series. Safari Books Online - Premium.