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Plus-hangout-samples - It's sample code... for Google+ Hangout Apps. Starting from scratch is always much harder than modifying already working code. There's nothing like seeing features in action before you try to use them. The Hangout Apps hosted here come in two flavors each with their own intended use. Sample Apps This project hosts several sample apps.

They showcase features of Hangout Apps. They are intended to inspire you and provide working examples of many of the available APIs in action. We recommend you start here by creating a Hangouts App project and running these sample apps. Starter App This is a single extremely simple and somewhat boring hangouts app. A simple ~100 line hangouts app in which you click a button to count with your friends Templates of AppEngine configuration files for hosting your new app A README.txt to walk you through deploying and running a Hangouts App To start with the starter app download the the zip archive. Creating a User Interface - Gadgets API - Google Code. This document describes how to add different user interface elements to your gadget. Contents Views A view is a location where a gadget is displayed. Different views have different characteristics. For example, an OpenSocial container might have a view that shows gadgets in a small format, and a view that shows gadgets in full page format.

For a list of the views supported by your site, application, or container, see the documentation for that site, application, or container. As an example, a gadget might display in home view mode ("small mode"), meaning that it appears in a column layout among other gadgets. Suppose you define a <Content> section for the canvas view of a gadget. Here is a version of a Hello World gadget that defines <Content> section views for "home" and "canvas". Including Multiple Content Sections You can include more than one <Content> section in a gadget XML file, where each <Content> section declares the views it should be rendered on. Two content sections <? <? <? <? <? <? APIs Console. I/O 2011. I/O 2011.