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BBC Radio 3 - Discovering Music - Beethoven Symphony No. 3. Radio 3 - Discovering Music Glossary. The NPR Classical 50. Penguin Guide Rosettes - by composer. Complete from 1989 Shaker loops [also Glass, Reich and Heath] -- LCO, Warren-Green.

Penguin Guide Rosettes - by composer

Virgin VC7 91168-2. PG91: rosette - inspired performance; outstandingly vivid recording. Cantos de Espana: Cordoba, Op. 234/4; Mallorca, Op. 202; Suite espanola, Op. 47; .. -- Julian Bream, . RCA RCD 14378. Contemporary classical: A primer. So here, O fictive reader, are answers to some of the questions that, over the years, I’ve heard you ask.

Contemporary classical: A primer

These answers are the equivalent of a one-day tour of a major metropolis, pointing out a few highlights to give you a general sense of the landscape of living composers, hoping that you’ll return to visit, in depth, whatever grabs your interest. This is not a “best of” guide, but rather an aide to orientation: Whatever your individual taste, these are pieces worth exploring. 1.Why should I care about minimalism? Jack Spearing.