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Carré Noir- Brand design. South African HEADS of government - Google Cultural Institute. L'histoire de l'Afrique du Sud au 20e siècle a été dominée par la montée et la chute de l'apartheid, forme de gouvernement basée sur la classification raciale, qui a accordé le pouvoir et les privilèges à une petite minorité de descendants européens et a privé de ses droits la grande majorité de la population nationale d'origine africaine.

South African HEADS of government - Google Cultural Institute

L'amertume résultant de deux guerres des Boers entre les Britanniques et les Afrikaners (Blancs d'Afrique du Sud principalement de descendance hollandaise) constituait un terrain propice au développement de l'idéologie nationaliste afrikaner de l'apartheid. Dans ce bras de fer opposant les Afrikaners aux Sud-Africains d'origine anglaise, ce sont les Noirs d'Afrique du Sud qui au bout du compte ont tout perdu. Les hommes qui ont supervisé la montée et la chute de l'apartheid étaient à la tête du gouvernement du pays. Atelier de conception et création visuelle. Strobe Digital — we make sites and apps for web and mobile.

Planet Propaganda - Design + Advertising + Digital - Madison, Wisconsin. When the world zigs, zag. Johnnie Walker has launched a new global 'Keep Walking' integrated campaign fronted by its latest 'From the Future' spot via BBH London.

When the world zigs, zag

This week marks the launch of major new brand work for Johnnie Walker globally and the evolution of our iconic "Keep Walking" campaign. The integrated campaign kicked off with a social content platform, #NextStep, which sees Johnnie Walker filtering the web to provide a globally curated feed of content; a service designed to inspire our communities and help them move forward on a daily basis. At the centre of the campaign is our new brand film, 'From the Future', written by Nick Gill and directed by Fredrik Bond, which marks a step change in the tone, look and feel of the Johnnie Walker brand, in a bold move to refresh and modernise its communications and make it more relevant to progressively minded drinkers around the world. Socket Studios 2012. Design { honors } What better time to discuss the shelf life of a website than as I contemplate creating a new one for myself.

Design { honors }

This website is about two years old and I’m rather bored of it by now. My first website actually hung around for almost four years before that. I would normally tell someone that three years seems like a good lifespan for a website and by the end of that time technology has made some nice strides and it’s smart to start fresh. If you just spent a fortune on a new website this might seem too soon and I imagine depending on the scale of the project you can make that assessment. I have some earlier clients who have not redone their website in 8+ years. If you've looked at a website or app in the past few years then you are very familiar with web icons. I find myself often at a crossroads when planning a concept for a new website. One of my favorite questions to be asked by a potential client is if I can do something that I've never done before. Brand Strategy + Graphic Design + Identity + Packaging in Vancouver, Canada. Protest Boardwear.

Grip Limited. Jonas Braatz. Yannick Macheret.