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Local Search Marketing by Nifty Marketing | Your Local Search Experts. Step by Step Guide to the Google+ Business/Local Merge Verification Process. Update July 2014: If you are looking to convert a Brand page to a Local page Google has recently released that functionality. Read about it here: Google Now Allows Brand Pages to Become Google+ Local Pages Updated Saturday, Aug 4th. If you already have a Google+ Business page (or create one) then you can now merge that Google+ Business page with your existing G+ Local page by following the new verification procedure. The process is initiated from the Google+ Business page. Here are the steps to the process: 1. (click to view the rest) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Update: google has added these help files to the Google+ Business page support area: Please consider leaving a comment as your input will help me (& everyone else) better understand and learn about local.

FAQ: Google+ Local [READ THIS.] I'll be updating this FAQ as you guys raise new questions. Please check back! Or watch a video answering the top user questions on the Google and Your Business YouTube channel. Also check out our intro post here. 1. I already have a Google+ page, and now my Place page has been upgraded to this local Google+ page. How do I bring the two together, so that I have just one page? Edit: If you're ready to be on the cutting edge, you can sign up to be considered for an early upgrade. 2. 5.

We did not port the verification checkmarks over to this new local Google+ page. 6. 8. 13. When you sort the reviews by "Most helpful," this takes into consideration many aspects of each review's text and author, as well as feedback from users who vote on whether the review was helpful or not. 14. 20. If you're attempting to create a new listing, and you're not seeing your country or region in the dropdown menu, it's likely that Google+ Local, formerly Google Places, is not available there. 21. 22. Question: Is there a way for a business with dozens of locations to submit a feed for Google Places? / Exploring Social Media. Official Google Webmaster Central Blog.

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